
How a 13yr old should pack a suitcase for 2 week holiday in america /?

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How a 13yr old should pack a suitcase for 2 week holiday in america /?




  1. Darn, you didn't say where in America you are going, and when. That makes a big difference. Just in general though having been around many exchange students, the way they dressed when coming here was very similar to what we wear here in America with little differences such as shoes. Americans often wear white tennis shoes, and Europeans wear colored ones. Also much of Europe is ahead of us in fashion, especially when it comes to shoes. So, if you are from Europe, bring your favorite clothes and you will be fine. You may even set some new trends.

  2. Remember you may buy more clothes and presents and bring back more than you left with !

    Travel light as most things will be available in America at least if you are staying in a big city.I bet you wont wear half the things you take with you and you will have to carry your suitcase which is weighed in at airport and excess baggage charges are expensive if you go over your weight limit.

    I would take your thinest things and plan to wear lots of layers if you feel cold this gives you a range of options of what to wear rather than take a big heavy jumper etc that takes up loads of room. Try to find out whats included in your accomodation eg towels hairdryer etc and do not take all that stuff with you.

    Try to share things with however you are going with so you do not duplicate what your party has.

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