
How a Yorker is bowled by a bowler in a cricket match?

by  |  11 years, 2 month(s) ago

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I am trying on my own to learn the techniques of Yorker bowling, can you help me know what techniques are followed by an expert Yorker bowler?




  1. First of all decide whether you are a pace (fast) bowler or a spinner. This is to decide your run-up (distance you travel before u ball the ball) . A average run-up for a spin bowler is around 3-5 steps. For a pace bowler the run-up is between 10-15 steps. Once the run-up is decided, you must decide where you want the bowl to bounce. In order for you to bowl a Yorker, place your two fingers closers to your thump on both sides of seam (the line in the middle of the ball).Then, run towards the crease and do a full sing with your arm, you are bowling with. Then release the bowl, when reached about shoulder height. try to place it on the batmen's feet, to get the best of a Yorker,

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