
How a girl gets pregnent?

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How a girl gets pregnent?




  1. someone drop that load in her

  2. Doing the Deed- s*x

    When and if you feel ready to attempt intercourse, before you do anything else, have your partner put on a condom, or, if you're the male partner, put the condom on. You should not be trying a condom for the first time and first intercourse: make sure you both know how to use one well before. Be sure to use extra latex-safe lubricant with the condom, and put a generous amount of lube on and around the entire v***a. Either or both of you can massage the vaginal opening and clitoris with the lube, and be sure it's really slippery, and as more lube throughout as needed. Suffice it to say, that extra "massaging" hardly feels like a chore.

    The vaginal opening is where the p***s is inserted into, and one partner will usually need to (with all intercourse, not just the first time) use a hand to slide the inner labia apart and guide the head of the p***s into the vaginal opening. There is no need to worry about penetrating the urethra by accident, because that simply isn't possible: it's much, much too tiny.

    Be sure your partner knows it is your first time (for a number of reasons, the biggest of which is that healthy s*x requires honesty), and be sure you make clear that he or she be patient, and communicate with you as you go, as you will with them. This isn't the time to be shy, or get silent, so if you have a problem talking about s*x, you shouldn't be quite this far.

    Guy Stuff

    While first intercourse can be less nervewracking and worrisome in some respects for guys -- it's not you who is going to get pregnant, and you're unlikely to experience any pain or bleeding -- plenty of guys DO have their own sets of worries about first intercourse: performance anxiety, worry about getting a partner pregnant, STI concerns, worries about hurting a partner, or fears that you just won't do things right.

    Most positions for intercourse will work out fine for you, but you're still most likely to be able to figure things out with either the missionary position -- you on top -- or with your female partner on top. That way, you both have a better view per what the what is down there, as well as better control per moving into intercourse gradually, and as is most comfortable for both partners. Know that even long-time intercourse-havers usually do have to guide the p***s to the v****a with hands, so don't worry about your p***s having some sort of radar that allows it to find its own way. Throughout, talk to your partner: ask her what's working for her and what isn't, ask if what feels good for you is feeling good for her, and do be sure to remember that intercourse alone may satisfy many men, but it satisfies less women, so even with first-time intercourse, you probably don't want that to be the only sexual activity you're doing.

    If you get nervous, it's OKAY. Even if that means losing an erection: again, s*x isn't just about your p***s, and while it's less visible with women, nervousness keeps women from becoming fully aroused and functional for intercourse, too. So, don't sweat it too badly, and try and keep things down-to-earth: if you're just feeling too nervous, just SAY so -- being able to be honest with partners is so important, even when you feel like a heel. if you ejaculate quicker than you'd like, no big whoop: if your partner still wants to have more s*x, do another activity with her.

    Lastly, be sure and play your part is sexual responsibility when it comes to safer s*x and birth control: not only is that vital to everyone's health, not worrying about pregnancy and infections makes it a lot easier for both of you to be relaxed.

    For most women, the two best positions for new intercourse are usually either the missionary (where the man is on top), or with the woman on top. The woman being on top may be a little easier because she can control how deeply she is taking a p***s into her v****a. When you begin vaginal entry, go slow. Start by just setting the tip of the p***s against the vaginal opening. You can learn a thing or two here from an eastern tantric tradition: if you simply set the p***s at the vaginal opening, and either of you gently put your weight on the other and press down slowly as you both relax, women will open to penetration more naturally, and for the guys, it's a good way to soothe the nerves.

    It should be up to the female partner say how deep to go, and how fast to move. She's the one who is most likely to experience pain if anyone gets too hasty. Don't do anything that feels horribly uncomfortable for either of you: pain is the way your body tells you not to do something. It may only feel good to have an inch of entry, and then move very slowly. On the other hand, it may feel just fine to enter more deeply for both partners, and move more rapidly. Much of the time, how aroused the female partner is makes a very big difference in this regard. Just tell each other as you go what feels good, and what doesn't -- this is no place to be shy! -- and be prepared to be patient with each other.

    Most of all, breathe. Look at the instructions given to a woman in labor, silly as that might sound. Though intercourse isn't anything close to as painful or intensive for your body (mainly the female body, most men don't feel any physical pain or discomfort during first intercourse), the best thing for both of you to do is to breathe. Take nice deep breaths, and keep 'em steady. Bringing oxygen into your body and releasing it keeps your muscles relaxed, your head clear, and your heart steady and calm.

    This is how babies are made.

    Here's the website I found this on-

  3. "with a lot of imagination and just a touch of magic"

    -Walt Disney

  4. how old are you? you're too young to be here. i don't think anyone has the right to answer your question.

    go ask your parents about it.

  5. they don't. a stork comes and delivers a baby

  6. unprotected s*x. s***n goes in hits the egg. then boom nine months later u have a pooping peeing eating sleeping crying machine.

  7. A girl has to have intercourse with a male that is able to get an erection in order to get pregnant. She has to be ovulating at the time this is why protection is always needed because a female is not always aware of the time that she ovulated. A girl can get pregnant from the "precum" on the end of the p***s if it even gets to the entry of her v****a. But again it all depends on her ovulating cycle. This is when the egg of a female is ready to be implanted with the sperm of a male that is in the s***n that ejaculates out of the male into the female when he has an organism.

  8. You know the story about the stork bringing the baby to the doorstep?  True story.

  9. welllll...........

    during sexual intercourse when a man has an o****m he releases sperm which goes to the egg and if the woman is ovulating the first sperm to hit the egg might get her pregnant  

  10. s*x.

  11. Ask your Mom

  12. she has s*x with a male aka putting eachothers privates in one another.

  13. bolt of lightning

  14. Intercourse. How old are you?

  15. tha answer is she marries a guy who can spell "pregnant" and they "do it" all night long cuz she's so happy she finally found her way to the not-so-shallow end of the gene pool

    way to go rose on being a douche,if his parents cared he wouldn't be on the net at this hour asking,and if you weren't the morals police neither would you,go get a stiff drink

  16. well when a husband and a wife love each other vveerryy much...

  17. A girl has to have intercourse with a male that is able to get an erection in order to get pregnant.  She has to be ovulating at the time this is why protection is always needed because a female is not always aware of the time that she ovulated.  A girl can get pregnant from the "precum" on the end of the p***s if it even gets to the entry of her v****a.  But again it all depends on her ovulating cycle.  This is when the egg of a female is ready to be implanted with the sperm of a male that is in the s***n that ejaculates out of the male into the female when he has an organism.

    This really should be between two married people that are ready to accept the responsibility of a child.

    Hope this answers your question

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