
How a plates movement changes the earth?

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How a plates movement changes the earth?




  1. it changes the  geographical shape of the earth

  2. it moves the different countries. sink some land masses and creating a new one.

  3. Entire surface of our planet, either land or ocean, is laying on the plates that are constantly in movement.  Every piece of Earth crust is part of some tectonic plate.  Some plates move entire continent and causes spreading of the oceans, like it is happening in the Atlantic Ocean.  American continents are moving west, while African and Australian one to the north. Entire surface of our planet is changing by little margin, but over the millions of years, our globe will look completely different.  Some continents are tearing apart like African, and other are pushed against its neighbor, like Indian.  Besides moving each plate, plate tectonics is crucial for mountains building and volcanism.  The largest mountains on Earth, the Himalayas, where uplifted when Indian continent crashed against Eurasian, and the Rocky Mountains were pushed up, when Farallon plate collided with North America.  Each process changed the landscape.  Therefore, plate tectonic is not only responsible for alteration of the global distribution of land and water masses, but also for changing the relief of the planet surface.

  4. there are two type of the boundaries for the plates: oceanic and continental

    there are three kind of movements of these plates : convergent or collision boundaries, divergent or spreading boundaries, and transform boundariesand

       1. Transform boundaries occur where plates slide or, perhaps more accurately, grind past each other along transform faults. The relative motion of the two plates is either sinistral (left side toward the observer) or dextral (right side toward the observer). The San Andreas Fault in California is one example.

       2. Divergent boundaries occur where two plates slide apart from each other. Mid-ocean ridges (e.g., Mid-Atlantic Ridge) and active zones of rifting (such as Africa's Great Rift Valley) are both examples of divergent boundaries.

       3. Convergent boundaries (or active margins) occur where two plates slide towards each other commonly forming either a subduction zone (if one plate moves underneath the other) or a continental collision (if the two plates contain continental crust). Deep marine trenches are typically associated with subduction zones. The subducting slab contains many hydrous minerals, which release their water on heating; this water then causes the mantle to melt, producing volcanism. Examples of this are the Andes mountain range in South America and the Japanese island arc.

  5. It moves continients, etc.

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