
How about Ireland?

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This is still an iffy, but if at all possible, I may want to try to move to Ireland one day.. (perhaps after high school?) And I would like to hear the experiences people have had with the land and the people.

Well, actually I was looking into Ireland, Scotland, Great Britian, etc... Though I have heard that it's difficult to aquire a visa :/

Any tips or thoughts or anything?




  1. Scotland is part of Great Britain.

    Great Britain is the name of an island home to three different countries (Scotland, Wales and England).

    You would just need a UK visa. Ireland is however different.

  2. Ireland is an Independent Nation on the Western edge of Europe. It is a proud Nation, and it welcomes People from all parts of the world. To obtain details regarding a Visa, and work permits you should contact the Irish Embassy in Tokyo for full details. We have in Ireland many people from 157 different Nations, who between them speak 117 different languages. So you should meet some from your own Nation. Good luck, and may God Bless you.

  3. I stayed in Scotland, Glasgow city for a few years. I like the place and culture.

    Here is more information on Glasgow City.

    Here is the Glasgow street map where you can use to locate the exact locations of the places of interest.

  4. i live in the capital of ireland, dublin. i thinks you should defnitely consider moving hear. people are generally friendly i find and their are loads of different cultures around. especially polish and chinese (or some sort of asian). it is a great country full of fun and so many things to do!


  5. Actually, it may be easier to obtain a british passport/visa. I was born in a British territory, and I am able to work, live any where in Europe. All of those countires who are a part of the eu, are countries I am priveliged to live and work in,because of my affiliation with England. I now live in Canada, there are lots of asians in Canada too, and a nice place to live. Give it some thought. For any other questions, or if I can help you any more please contact me at Take care.

  6. I say move to one of the Irish cities in the south not the north just yet as since the troubles people tend to be not so open minded about people from other countries. I live in the North and loads of people are complaining about migrant workers etc etc. But i like a bit of cultural diversity but you'd be more accepted in a city where there is likely to be people of the same nationality as you. If you wanna go to the north i suggest belfast. Its really not that bad now. After the troubles belfast still has a bit of tension between communities but nothing like it used to be. =D
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