
How about Ms Rice Mr Mccain?

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Why did Mccain pick Rice instead of Fallin's or Palin? I'm one big disappointed Repub. I wish he changes his mind. Rice would have been perfect, he would have gotten more black votes and women like me would have felt confident in her experinced hand in case he dies as President. Mr Mccain you just shut yourself at the foot and you just swallowed your own puke. You criticised Obama for his lack of experince and that he is not ready for Presidency but you just picked a VP who is even more inexperince than Obama and expect her to rule the country if you kick the bucket while in office. Sorry fella repub I just swithched side.

Call me a traitor but I love my country much more than any party.




  1. Rice would have been a better choice

  2. Thank you!! I just visit my republican aunts and uncles yesterday, and couldn't believe how solidly they based their decision on party loyalty, rather than really looking at the issues.

    I'm still trying to understand why in the world McCain chose Palin over dozens of other much more qualified candidates, like Condaleeza Rice, for instance.

    She would have offered major experience in all areas, having been up close and personal with the decadence of the United States over the past 8 years. Plus, she gets the repub. black and women votes in a snap.

  3. Because Ms Rice has stated on numerous occasions that she has absolutely NO desire for elected office, that's why he didnt pick her.....

  4. Condi Rice  isn't a great choice but would have been better than Palin. Kay Bailey Hutchinson would have been great - someone that would have let me have some confidence if Obama does not win.

    Palin makes me shudder the more that is knows about her.  

  5. with McCain, she just might get a cabinet position....

  6. Yes, I love my country too & I sympathize. But no way Ms. Rice would've been chosen because of her close association with Bush. I would've liked her as VP as well.

    But this whole Palin affair should play out well. I believe her to be more than qualified for VP. Better a VP on the learning curve than a president and she has done good things in Alaska. Her actions on her daughter's pregnancy just supports Sarah Palin's adherence to her principles.  

  7. Because Condy has her own problems with war crimes and all. And she will probably face charges in the near future. I would rather have a pregnant teenage scandal to deal with, then someone who will face criminal charges. Having a baby out of wedlock is not a crime.

  8. Anybody but Sarah Palin. The daughter is FIVE MONTHS pregnant. The McCain campaign should have said something BEFORE this blew up. It is too late now.

    She needs to spend more time with her family during these difficult personal times.

    Condi MIGHT get a cabinet position!?! She is SECRETARY OF STATE already.

  9. Because McCain is a racist he couldn't have a smart black women with an ivy league education when he graduated at the last of his class. He would have to ask Condi for everything whereas with Palin he could be assured that Palin would be like granny from the Beverly hillbillies  

  10. McCain has bad judgement.

    He knew the Palin pregnancy would come out sooner or later and he knew there would be public debate and scrutiny.

    Why didn't he tell Sarah Palin that it would happen and if so, why would Sarah Palin run for VP still?

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