
How about Sarah Palin's anti-abortion plan?

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Ok, so this is causing me to become a little uneasy about Mrs. Palin.

She obviously believes abortion should no longer be an option for women.

I do not completely disagree with this anti-abortion plan.

Such reasons as (sleeping around in college frat parties, one night stands, etc.) These are all made by choice and the consequences should be felt and responsibility taken for those actions.

However, I strongly disagree with her stand on not allowing a woman to have an abortion that has been a victim of a s*x crime.

What she is basically saying is that a man, a violent criminal can break into my house and rape my wife while I'm at work, and force my wife to keep, and raise a child of this animal?

I'm sorry, but that is complete bullshit.

I want some other opinions on this..I am curious what America's thoughts are on her stand.


Jonathan S




  1. I tend to stand with you on this issue.

    The flip side of this is:  

    1) If abortion isn't an option, would the spread of AIDS be curtailed?

    2) How many more children will be neglected because mothers weren't ready to have children?

  2. You sound like a fence straddler.  Either you believe abortion is wrong and taking and innocent life or you don't.  You sound like you like the idea only if it is convenient to you.

  3. I completely agree with you.

  4. An issue that will only be decided by the Supreme Court. A waste of time to discuss it.

  5. She also is in denial about evolution, which is no surprise since the GOP's policies are still stuck in the 19th Century.

  6. I have the same concern

  7. As a woman, I believe it is possible to be Pro-Life and Pro-Choice at the same time.  I am pro-life because I believe that we should do everything in our power as a society to reduce the number of abortions -- short of making it illegal.  And reducing abortion means reducing unwanted pregnancies.  It's as simple as that.

    Have you ever wondered about politicians, like Bush, who stand on a podium and SAY they're pro-life and then do ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to reduce abortions?  Fact is, a good economy with plenty of jobs and access to affordable healthcare would reduce abortions, as would accurate safe s*x education.  When men have jobs and women have access to health care for themselves and their potential children, they are more likely to choose to keep a child they didn't expect.

    But when it comes down to it, NO ONE can make that choice for anyone else.  It's too important, to personal, and too case-specific; as in the case of rape.  I think her stand is reprehensible.  And I think that by choosing her, McCain has chosen to lose the election.  

  8. In less than .01% is rape a cause for pregnancy.  Abortion is a convenient way for those to "undo" their actions which is murder.

  9. Well, I think her pro-life views are refreshing. She is a woman who actually isn't for abortion. I know what your getting at, but even if your wife was raped, she still should have the baby because it is not that baby's fault that it was concieved in such a way, plus it is still her flesh and blood even though she was raped. Giving that baby up for adoption is always an option, by the way.

  10. ur right on man! i think it should be allowed when that baby would cause extreme psychological or physical harm to the mother. and mike w ur a dingus!

  11. They'll overturn Roe V. Wade.

    I almost wish they would.  When it happens, the fallout as the coat hanger deaths start, will be, 40 years of Democratic rule in huge majorities in Congress & the White House.

  12. I have not heard her specifics. I have heard the spin the liberal media are putting out. I am glad that she is pro-life.

    Palin gave birth to a special needs baby and Obama allows special needs babies to die of exposure in service closets.

  13. She is pro-life and the ultra-conservatives are thrilled with her hard line on giving women any abortion rights. That doesn't bod well for women who believe in keeping abortion, rare, safe and legal. Roe vs. Wade could easily be over-turned with a pro-life president next term when so many supreme court justices will likely be replaced. The president has a huge hand in who gets appointed.

  14. Well see your point and I think I agree with your position.  

    But you know. Palin isnt running for a position that can change the law , nor one that can reinterpet the law.

    I seriously seriously doubt much is going to change regarding abortion law, no matter who is in.

  15. Of course her abortion views will directly impact a woman's right to choose.  If 72 year old McCain dies in office, she will have the opportunity to choose Supreme Court Justices that can overturn Roe v. Wade.  On another point, what responsible mother (or father) would take on the task of running for vice president with a special needs infant.  I question her judgment.

  16. Abortion should be the right of all women unless used as birth control. But the big issues in this country right now are not abortion, g*y rights, civil liberties etc. They are the economy, war recession,alternative resources etc. Get your priorities straight and wake up.

  17. roe v wade is now wont change anytime soon!

  18. If one believes that a fetus is a human being and killing it is murder how can the circumstances of it's creation (one night stand, birth control failed, incest, rape) change it's rights to exist.

    It's hypocritical to hold the position that abortion is wrong except in cases of rape or incest.

  19. She is also for the death penalty.

    How many executed rapists do you think it would take before you feel better about your wife being safer at home alone while your at work? Far to many irresponsible women have used abortion as birth control.

    But that is what happens in civilized societies when you lower expectations for responsible reproduction.

    PS: Be a man and legally buy yourself and your wife a handgun and learn how to use them properly. Hang a sign on your door that a conservative lives here if you are feeling generous. If not let the violent criminal find out the hard way.

    Quit your crying and act like a man!

    When does a liberal become a conservative?

    After he or she has been victimized.

    Don't be a victim.

  20. I agree.

    I'm a conservative, and I could'nt imagine forcing someone to have a child that resulted from on non-consensual s*x.

  21. I totally agree.  I have a hard time with the issue of abortion because I do think a woman should have a right to choose.  But, I am also of the opinion that you shouldn't engage in an activity (s*x for example) if you aren't prepared for the consequences (pregnancy).  While I think they should have the right to choose, I probably wouldn't be able to hold it against another person if they were strongly anti-abortion.  But, when it's from rape I think it's atrocious that any legislative body feels as though they can force a woman to keep that child.  If she wants to, that's fine.  If not, then she in no way at all should be forced to.

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