There was a place of my youth I used to go. A place where I began to grow. A place of joy. The joyousness was, but one of few, that took me away for a while.
Hours on end, I'd walk. Breezes carried me along as warm waves drenched my soul. There were few interuptions. Remnants of catfish, skeletal and opaque amongst the driftwood, would garner my attention. Sand crabs racing by my toes, while terns and gulls scowered the barren beach, for crumbs of survival.
Venturing out of my shell, with cautious steps, I'd wade out. Looking out to vast unknowns, as well as down. Stingrays, snug in the sand, were abundant and deadly, in my mind anyway.
But never past the poles. Yet another boundary of my youth. . Admonitions. Warnings. Followed by endless chastising for being curious.
Each step closer to the poles emboldened me. Gave me strength. Made me braver. Preparing me. On the Gulf Coast of Mississippi. A place of joy. A place that gave me strength.