
How about boycotting the oil companies one by one ???

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We are the consumer we have a voice the oil companies are raping us in the price of fuel world wide [if we do not buy they do not profit] .I say we do not buy from say any MOBIL or EXXON affiliated stations for the next 6 months world wide.then move on to the next smaller company ,and the next and so on . I think it is the only way to send a message to these corporations we wont take this laying down anymore !!!!!!!!

There is strength in numbers but it has to happen word wide not just in one place but everywhere .They are billion dollar companies and for them to listen we have to hit their profit margin . If they lose money on a grand scale fuel costs will fall over time (not overnight) they profit from us,we got them to where they are we buy their products they survive because of us as a whole. What say you for the benefit of all and not just the one .We the people can stand and be a reconning force.




  1. Sorry.  The boycott strategy only worked when the world still had a stable oppositional exhange system, when went the way of the condor after the communist collapse, the "triumph" of global capitalism and the consumer-capitalist paradigm.

    The system now is affected by that to which it can not respond with an appropriate counter gift.

    In other words, it's not "Buy Nothing Day," it's "Buy Everything Day... On Credit."

    In other words, in an extreme example, if we really want change, it would be better to buy all the oil that's left and then shoot it into the sun, then riot when we have no fuel.

  2. Your plan simply won't work.

    First, most people are going to buy from stations that either are geographically convenient, or cheapest, so you're not going to get the whole world mobilized to target any one company.

    More importantly, for a boycot to work, it has to be sustained.

    What we should all do is use less.

    Trade in your guzzler for a fuel efficient car AND walk, bike, and use public transportation whenever possible.

    And politically support those who would push through research on alternatives.

  3. I will go straight to an Exxon/Mobil station when I fill up in the next few days.  Thanks for reminding me.

    Curious, why do you think you have a birthright to cheap gas?

  4. Then we boycott the farmers because the cost of milk and bread is too high.

    Then we boycott the clothing stores because their prices are too high.

    Then we have a workers strike against the government.


    As long as people are too lazy to cross the street to save a nickle on gas, prices will increase.  When consumers show a little more will power, prices will get more in line.

    If it was all about price gouging, prices would never have dipped last fall.

    You can boycott the oil companies.  I would rather do something about the overzealous enviromentalists and blowhard politicians.

  5. I'm down, sounds good to me, this is just getting so ridiculous that i cant stand it!

  6. I have been boycotting Exxon since the Valdez fiasco years ago.  And when Mobile joined Exxon, I have not gone to them either.  So to answer your question/idea..I have been boycotting them for a very long time.

  7. That sounds good, but when all of the oil companies go bankrupt, how am I going to get to work?  If I go for 6 months without gas, it's going to be tough to go visit my mother in Pennsylvania.  The truth is, we need fuel.  That's why we buy it and that's why they sell it.  Yeah, I hate getting a quarter tank for $15, but I also hate getting a gallon of milk for $3.50 and a box of cereal for $5.  Everything is getting more expensive, why is gas the only thing that anyone seems to care about?  You probably paid 1.99 for a 20oz bottle of water this week.  That's $12 a gallon.  Oh, it was flavored-energy-vitamin-water, that makes it worth it...

  8. Part of the problem would be that these companies portfolio's are so diverse that it would be very hard to boycott all their products. The second is how do provide sufficient numbers of people to have an affect with the information they need to act upon it without incurring the wrath of the companies numerous lawyers and favorable judges.

              What i mean is that there are derivatives of all in all kind of things that you would think of. Did you know that the all American Twinkie contains an oil derivative and that most of them are made in china with unregulated products.

  9. The price for a barrel of crude is less now than this time last year. Can't keep blaming "big oil" for everything. You need to boycott the Speculators on Wall Street and the Wholesalers that control the prices, based on market conditions. Your plan would simply not work. Good Luck.

  10. I'm all for that, but how about starting with foreign oil first?

  11. WOW, I don't know where to began. Stop buying gas if that is your choice.  months would be good and then when it is $ 8.00 a gallon we will all be screwed. I am by no means an apologist for oil companies, but you really are ignorant to reality. I do make my living in that business so I think from your message you don't know jack.We as a world are so locked into oil it is not even funny.

    These companies are multi-national and so diverse that the impact of your proposal would be little to none. Do you realize that if you did in fact stop buying they would still get their profit. They wouldn't need to get it from gas as there are so many by-products of oil that it will be made on. Not to mention the cost cutting they would do which would be jobs firsts. Then those lost jobs may be you or you mother or father or brother, etc.

    Then there is the small business in America that feeds off of not only large oil companies, but large corporations as a whole. This job reduction would trickle down to them also so unemployment would be a big by-product of your plan. I myself work for a company that relies on them so I could lose my job.The next thing would be inflation as the costs of goods would sky-rocket.

    I am always amazed by ignorant no nothings that come up with stupid plans. Your list was so long and so shallow I don't think you can get an answer, other than from nit wits that think the same as you. You say it doesn't cost much to make gas?? I guess you do this for a living and have all of the accounting down. Where I live we give those ugly oil companies 10-11 cents per gallon in profit. My state get 48 cents per gallon sso who is really s******g you?

    When do the ignorant nit wits like you attack Wall Street??  Oil and gas are a traded comodity on the stock exchange. They are exposed to speculation because of this. Currently 20 plus percent of the price of oil is "fear" speculation by traders. No one ever talks about them becuase it's okay to get raped by Wall Street.

    The real culprit is the consumer. America is a consumer nation and we don't care what anyone thinks. If gas dropped 2 dollars today we would just use more of it.We want what we want and we want it now. To have all you want there is a cost and if you are not willing to pay it go somewhere else.

  12. Sarcasm: You first.

    Wonderment: Why are all the gas guzzling frothing at the mouth limo liberals always blaming others for their own problems?

    Clue Bat: Liberals are the ones preventing us from drilling in oil rich Alaska and off our own shores. Liberals are the ones preventing new refineries from being built. Liberals are the ones who put 20 to 90 cents of government taxes on each gallon of gas.  Liberals are the ones who caused the problem and then they are the ones who blame everyone else.

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