
How about japanese whaling?

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How about japanese whaling?

and australian,america,euro and england had hunt many whales.

you killed many whales.

Dont propaganda an infomation to be fabricated.

-These are endangered species. -> minke whales people is 760000.

Why do you tell a lie?




  1. One more time please and in proper english.

  2. Whaling is a disgusting practice and needs to be banned!

  3. Assuming that you are Japanese, I am on your side here.  I would, however, prefer that Japan be open and upfront about their whaling activities (like Norway and Iceland) and simply withdraw from the international convention on whaling and openly hunt whales for their meat.

    Personally, I don't see how it is any different from fishing.

  4. Anyone who eats whale meat let alone hunts and kills whales is in for some of the worst Carma possible. do they deserve all that bad horrible Carma? YES they do!

  5. Of course we hunted and killed many whales.  Why do you think they are endangered?  We stopped because they were almost hunted to extinction.

    The bigger problem isn't minke whales.  Its attempting to kill 50 humpback whales which there are only about 30k of which is about 30% of what it was originally.  They reproduce slowly so it takes decades for their numbers to rebound even a little.

  6. I'm guessing you are Japanese.

  7. Whaling is a sad industry (all mass meat consumption is)even if there are a lot of a certain type of whale to hunt. Just because whales do not drive cars and build factories does not mean they are not intelligent. Science is quick to say they are second to us in intelligence but with larger brains then humans, I find that hard to believe and assume it is us who is second. Also who are we to say that an animal that has a complex communication, cares for its young for years, does not morn the loss of their loved ones. I also realize that   Japan has been eating whales for thousands of years, but now in a ever polluted and warming planet what is there for the future of any creature? The only answer to every single problem that is happening on this planet is there are just too many humans alive, (realizing Japan has a  zero population growth with an increasing geriatric economic problem) and no end in sight to it. Maybe in a few years this discussion wouldn't be about eating whale meat, but soy-lent green and all the complications that will come along with that. Good luck my friend with your future.

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