
How about personality?

by  |  earlier

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also and its components..??




  1. This is too vague a question for me to answer you. Sorry. UK

  2. what??

  3. >>

    ..well, personality literally means "to sound through" which is derived from the Lating words -"per sonare" was first used as a term to describe the sounds that a masked actor is the sound and character that he portrays which is termed as his personality..

    ..(Gordon Allport 1990) defines personality as "a pattern of habits, attitudes, and traits that determine an individual's characteristics, behavior and traits".."the dynamic organization whithin the individual of those psychological systems that determine his characteristic behavior and thoughts.."


    1. habits - reactions so often repeated

    2. attitudes - certain ways of viewing things gained from environment, etc..

    3.physical traits - include facial appearance

    4. mental traits - include our ability to control the mind

    5. emotional traits - give an individual the capacity to face different situations in life

    6. social traits - give an individual the ability to get along with others

    7. moral and religious traits - standards for a person's actions and behavior..



  4. ummm, if you're asking about human personality and what it's made of, I think I figured some out...

    I think it's


    normal mood

    social reaction


    I dunno, that's some, there's love, anger, happiness, guilt and so on...

  5. Ever heard of a ******* dictionary?

  6. Personality for what? Humans, animals, more specific please.

  7. Your personality comes from the experiences you have lived thru and how you have precieved them or processed them, it is usually formed by watching the people around you as the examples to live by, you have also your two stages of personality, the spiritual which is your true heart and innocent whole self, then the physical which unfortunatally is broken at a young age by the chains and bondages of our family and friends, teachers and influences we hold dear. The old good and evil parts of our souls. When you choose to be loving kind and joyful, you nurture those parts when you choose the get the idea. The wonderful part about any personality I find amazing is that it can change when you decide it will or with a life altering experience, completely, I have watched it happen time and again. Also the medical society is well aware that when a person has a good personaltiy they have alot less sickness and disease and heal faster when they do get sick. hope it helps. Oh and by the your own homework and quit cheating by trying to get others to do it...this will not help you be a good Dr.

  8. What's the question?

    You would think after several people answering you going "Huh? What are you talking about?" you would have understood how vague your "question" is.
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