
How about that bigfoot?

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Do you belive that is a real bigfoot corpse they found in Georgia? I would like to belive but I guess time well tell, your thoughts?




  1. I'm not sure but i'm beginning to think after the human and possum DNA they said the scientist found, and the funky looking thing in the fridge, and the fact that the guys are acting so wierd about this that this is a fraud.

    The patterson film always makes me think though, the fact that the "costume" looks different than a usual monkey suit and the breast.

  2. I'd like to believe it, too.

    The interesting part to me was that it was dead, intestines hanging out, and several other bigfeet around it.The live ones ran away when the hunters came near.   I wonder if perhaps they eat their dead, and that's why no one has ever found a skeleton before?

    If they're real, they must have a way of getting rid of their dead, or someone would certainly have found them laying around.

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