
How about that dead Bear Decor on NRA Palin's Sofa?

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  1. LOL!! I agree in the right to arm bears!

  2. Hunting is one of the most patriotic American pastimes

    It's a nice touch

  3. Yes, I wish I had one of those rugs..did you ever try to shot a bear?

    I don't think would not be something the average person would

    have the nerve to do and yet our ancestors all were either farmers and

    hunters or both..My dad carried a shot gun and rifle when he was on

    his tractor, corn picker  or combine and we had fresh pheasant or

    rabbit..sometimes he shot a deer in the woods as we farmed 360 acres

    So it was all good. In Alaska this is America's last frontier and we

    forget about Alaska and it is bigger then  a Lot of countries.

    Bull for the family from Alaska...Sarah Palin can contribute a lot to the

    American scene

  4. the bear probably died laughing when Mccain chose her as the VP.

  5. Are you saying that Democrats are all vegetarians?

    Those Democrats that eat meat, and I suspect there are a lot of them, must know that someone killed their supper!

  6. What do liberals decorate THEIR sofas with, DEAD VEGETABLES?

  7. Your right it is sharp ! Must have been a lot of fun getting it !

  8. Her father shot that bear and gave the skin to her.

  9. It's from the Martha Stewart collection.


  10. And I hear she is going on safari as she needs to decorate her family room, watch out for your pets people. If you sit and think about this, isnt this insane. She contradicts herself constantly, she isnt at all concerned about the preservation of wildlife, or the plight of the polar bear she lies about her accomplishments, and now we find out she tried to get someone fired as punishment for her sisters divorce. God help America. As a Canadian everyone I speak to says oh dont worry Americans will not be so blind, we pray that is so.

  11. Ted Nugent would be proud

  12. She lives in Alaska. People hunt in Alaska. She is a member of the National Rifle Association.  Most members of the National Rifle Association like to hunt.  What's your point?

  13. So, she lives in Alaska. She hunts, fishes, and enjoys the outdoors.  It's a foreign concept for all you enlightened city folk, but it is actually a good life.

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