
How about the Rookie Contracts?

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They make me sick.. these 20 year old kids demanding so much money to basically be set for life before touching the feild..

I think they should have it much more like hockey, where you earn performance bonuses for certain goals rather then heres 32 million dollars.. i hope you play to your potential..

When given that much money before even playing you basically have nothing to play for anymore other then pride and fun.. which some players dont seem to care about..

College football is definetly more important then the nfl these days, college is how you get paid, nfl is how you retire.

Just my opinion,, share yours..




  1. yeah its crazy. pretty soon all of the teams will be bankrupt from signing all these first round picks.

  2. Seeing and reading all of the stories about past NFL players being discarded and broken and abused with mounting hospital bills and a very little severance package from the league (freaking Gene Upshaw) and just imaging the beaten and bruises these guys get I think most NFL players earn their paychecks, however I agree with you, it's completely outrageous when you have players like Matt Ryan (who wasn't even that good of a college player) getting contracts for over $30 million in guaranteed deals and the veterans getting left out of the dea, it's gotten to a point now where teams are sacrificing their futures and not drafting players because of the pay out they know they're going to have to give (it's almost as bad as baseball), at least in college you see kids who are going after it to try and earn that draft spot making for better competition.

  3. First off, it is mostly their agents who tell them and then demand that they get the huge pay days. Then it is the GM's of the teams that agree to these huge contracts before they play a game. The athletes really have no sense of business. They others taht are determining their pay. They do understand that the current system allows them get higher salaries the higher in the draft they come, but they do not understand the extent.

    To change the way these things get done, we should not get mad at the athletes, but instead we should direct our attention to the GM's and agents who come up with these contracts.  

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