
How about the new nickname Road Rampage Jackson?

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How about the new nickname Road Rampage Jackson?




  1. That's a good one. WTF was he thinking. Dude, you have your face on the side of your truck! Did you really think that you were getting away?

  2. I like it

  3. LMAO I like it. I think it would flow better as just roadrage jackson though.

    Thanks for the smile.

    Edit- When they come out with his UFC action figure they could have the truck and a jail uniform as accessories.

  4. I love how all the pictures they use of him have gone from a big happy smile to a mean looking guy,

    haha stereotypes!!!

    and serisouly wtf rampage? what were you thinking!!

    and i love how dana white IMMEDIATLY flew out to post his bale, did he cuddle him a little bit as well, rub his head and tell him it will be ok?


  5. How stupid is he that he tried to evade the cops in a 4x4 with some advertising logo's and a life size picture of himself on the side.  Did he honestly think they would not figure out who was driving?

  6. hahaha yeah thats a good nickname for him now he's not gonna be fighting anytime soon, d**n its pretty sad, I mean is that how you act after you lose your belt just go crazy and lose your mind pretty sad.

  7. Roadrage Rampage - I like it.  WTF he just went nuts??  Running from the police in that big *** truck with his picture on the side of it (did he think he could get away).

    How is Dana going to paint this picture to the fans? is he going to sugar coat it "You know the amount of stress on a fighter etc." or will he tell it like it is "I don't f**kin know man, he just f**king went nuts!!"

  8. Rampage is obviously an idiot.

    And, Dana is one as well for posting his bail.

    How do you think that reflects on Dana and the UFC?

    Dana is an immature, arrogant prick. I hope he gets booted. More professionalism in the CEO chair could get the UFC more respect and acceptance.

    As for the nickname, it's nice. i like.

  9. Ha Ha Ha HA

  10. That's F' ed up, man.

  11. that's awesome. lol.

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