
How about this, explain your opinion about religion?

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What's your opinion on religion?




  1. Don't get me wrong and spirituality can be an important and life-affirming part of someone's life here.

    But.  Too much of what passes for the *Human* institution of organized *Religion* resembles organized *Crime* these days.  Too many fanatics wanting the world to end, grubbing for money and trying to "take out opposition", either politically or *very literally*.

    I want NO part of the organization.  I don't think the prophets and/or messiah were part of *any sort* of racket or Mafia family, so why should a church or place of worship *resemble that* in its goals and behavior towards outsiders?

    It's just rampant arrogance, and primate psychology disguised however thinly as in-group/out-group pissing contests.  People acting like herd animals when we all *know* we are better than this.

    Just my two cents though.  Star for you!

  2. Organized religion is all about the bottom line and not rooted in some moral high ground.  Homosexuality, birth control and abortion are all frowned upon by religion - know why?  Those practices would result in fewer bodies to fill the pews and subsequently, the collection plate.  

    God did not create man, man created god.

  3. my opinion is all it does is further divide people. Each one thinks that it is the only right one so in my opinion they all have nothing to do with real faith. I belong to no organized religion but do believe and follow god.

  4. Religion: hmmmm I wanna be VP.

  5. I don't believe in organized religion, but a close, personal relationship with a higher being is more "me."

  6. I think religion was invented by people who thought they knew more than everybody else. They figured if they created some all knowing all powerful entity that had the power to control your destiny and destroy your life unless you did what it wanted you to that they could convince the masses to do their bidding. And guess what they were right!

    Weak minded people who don't want to be responsible for themselves need a religion to make them feel special and make all the terrible things they do okay because they can just blame it on someone else.

    Trust me on this because I know. God told me.

  7. So then faith commeth by hearing and hearing by the word of God.Romans 10:17

    For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23

    For the wages of sin is death BUT the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23

    For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotton son that whosoever believeth in him shall NOT perish but have everlastig life. John 3:16

    For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord Shall be saved. Romans 10:13

  8. im not totally against it, im just sick of people believing in such rediculous concepts so strongly with hardly any evidence or reasoning to back it up. there may be a god, but you can't say you know there is one

  9. all religions are a farce they are only after one!

  10. Love one another and love God

    that's pretty much the root of what I think:o)

  11. religion is stupid have faith in what you do and youll be fine

  12. I think religion in general has served many purposes. It is very helpful for many people to have something to believe in and a reason to behave by a code instead of acting like rioters. It is also helpful for power mongers who enjoy controlling others for their own means. So briefly, religion done in a positive way seems to be a good thing, and done in a way to subjugate is a bad thing.

  13. God is good

    all the time

    god is good

  14. I think the secret to all the religions in the world is, no matter which one is right, if any of them are, is that you accept others and their religion and not hate them for it. Unless they worship Satan or a toaster or something.

  15. religion is a concept, an idea that gives those who believe in whatever religion it is that they believe in the motivation and strength to move forward in life. this is just my opinion.

  16. religion is a part of our culture.some individual view it as influential and beneficial even at the time of was the reason why the pharisees hate Him.they thought he is creating a new religion.but what Jesus show is the importance of Faith and relationship to God.

  17. I'm catholic.

    But I believe in evolution, science, and the big bang; I think homosexuality, abortion, divorce, s*x before marriage, and other religious beliefs are perfectly okay; and I think 90% of the people who attend my church are a bunch of self centered hypocritical douche bags who need to get off their goddamn high horse. The other 10% are absolutely lovely people.

    Basically, organized religion sucks. I'm just gonna stay home on sundays and chill with God in my own way, okay?

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