
How about this angle?

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Since it appears the hillary is finished, unless she pulls the old democratic flim flam and gets/buys the superdelagates needed to over ride the will of the peeps, how about if she pulls the double switcheroo and declairs that she is switching parties and she becomes a Republican and convinces McCain to put her on the ticket as VP for a couple of million bucks?

If it worked how would you vote, knowing she was just a heartbeat away from the presidency?

You can never tell what these crazy dems are going to do next!




  1. With the past record of "accidents" happening to people involved with the Clinton's, McCain would have to sleep with both eyes open.   I don't think he'd want anything to do with her.

  2. That's hilarious and also scary!  It would never have occurred to me, but I wouldn't put anything past her!
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