
How about this for a daft dream last night ?

by Guest67077  |  earlier

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Hi Folks,

The recent media reports suggest that cattle produce about 11% of methane in the atmosphere, by passing wind.

This must of stuck in my mind, as I live on a farm, and envisaged placing burning tapers at intervals across the feilds, so that any cow farts might turn into a ball of flame.

Bizarre, I know.

But worthy of a video recording if it would work.

Being awake now, the thought persisted.

Methane is denser than air, so should travel across the ground to the ignition point.

This could be amusing if the cow is close enough to the taper.

Any thoughts ?





  1. haha! thats a mad dream :D

    iv had loads of weird dreams, wish i could figure out what they mean 8-)

  2. I read the same story in the Sun tabloid paper


    I kind of gave it a chuckle till I thought of all the burgers that all the fast food joints must load between the buns


    And that is just at Fast Food restaurants


    Then there is the 1lbs.  Hamburger pack in the grocery store


    Put all that in one cow pasture and you are talking a lot of cow manure and

    -----the farts get real just

    the fumes of the cow manure is enough to fuel a Space Shuttle blast off I bet and now you are talking

    Cow Smog


  3. You need a nap....but so do I....that's why I'm answering this question...insomnia!

    Cows farting in fields is not a problem.  It's the manure lagoons they have at dairys, and the mountanious piles of manure that are at cattle feed lots.

    When you start getting all those cattle, and all that manure concintrated in a tiny area, then it becomes a huge problem.

    Those manure lagoons are actually deadly!  There was one tragic storey that happend around here last year.  I may not have the storey exactly correct, because I'm going by memory, and not off the actual storey, but I know I'm very close.

    The grandchild went outside to play at the dairy.  After the child had not been seen for a while, the grandmother (and wife of the diary farmer) went outside to look for the child.  Grandmother didn't come back, so the daughter (mother of the child) went to look for them.  A hispanic worker on the farm heard her screams and came running.

    Grandpa, the dairy farmer came home some time later, and found all four of them dead in the manure lagoon.  The child had gone down, and been overcome by the fumes.  Grandmother saw the unconcious child, and was overcome trying to rescue the child.  Of course the daughter and farm worker were also overcome by the fumes trying to perform rescues.  Firemen in full suits, with their own oxygen supply had to retrieve the bodies.

    Another on that happened in WA state, a person who owned a FORMER dairy farm was walking about a field with another person.  The owner of the farm saw a pipe sticking up out of the dirt.  The owner of the farm gave the pipe a kick.  The end cap on the pipe blasted off, struck them in the forehead and killed them.  Turns out it was an old pipe connected to the FORMER dairy lagoon, the pipe was full of methane.

    Cattle walking around rangeland, and pastures pooping and farting like the millions of bison use to problem!  Cattle concintrated in a small area...big problem!


    Permaculture homesteading/farming over 20 years

  4. Bizarre thats all that comes to mind and funny

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