
How about this idea?

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I posted a question a couple hours ago asking about a role for my 11 (13 on wedding day) year old sister. I got a lot of responses, but the one I really liked was having her as a guest of honor.

Now, my sister also happens to be my goddaughter. I have another goddaughter that is due to be born 8/16/08. It's our best man and maid of honor's second child and my fiance and I will both be the god parents.

My idea is to have my sister walk down the aisle with our other goddaughter. The little one will only be 22 months at the time so my sister can hold her hand or something and walk down the aisle. They then can go take a seat in the front row next to the little ones grandmother so that my sister isn't responsible for her during the ceremony.

In the program we're putting a small blurb about who each person is and what they mean to us so they could be listed as "guests of honor" or something similar to that.

Would this be good?




  1. Hi Jessica:

    First of all.....if she is only 11 now and will be 13 at the wedding, obviously that is

    2 years away so things could change for her.  Meaning, she could be less shy.

    I sort of like the idea of the guest of honor....but usually, other than the bride and groom, the guest of honor(s) are the mother of the bride and the mother of the groom.

    AND....if you think she is willing to walk down the aisle (which is what you said she did not want to do with everyone looking at her), then, again, why not just make her a junior bridesmaid?  If she IS that shy, she could sit in a pew instead of stand with the MOH.  If she is only 11 now....things may change by the time she is 13!  She will obviously be more mature.  That is two years why not wait and see how she feels about it about 8-10 months before the wedding (or until you need to order the dresses.)

    In any case, I would NOT have her walk with the other little girl.  To me, it's more like designating her as a goddaughter then, instead of your sister.

    If you truly do not want her to be a junior bridesmaid, or if she is not willing to (again, it's 2 years away).....then I would still go with my original idea of having her hand out the programs.  I know others disagree with me on having her do a "duty", but I would list her in the program as "greeter," get her a corsage, and then right before the moms are seated have her escorted up the aisle and sit in the front row with the parents.

  2. as someone who posted in that question i think this idea is an excellent soulution!!!!!!!!!!!! im happy for you that you came to some sort of compromise because i ten twenty years from now when your sister and you are older the age diffrence isnt going to matter at all and you both will be happy that you had your sister iin an important role in your wedding again congratulations!!!!!!!!

  3. Yeah that's good. At my dad and stepmom's wedding, my sisters and I were 8, 6, and 4 and they got us matching dresses and little flower baskets and we just walked down the aisle and took a seat in the front. No one said anything special about us! Haha JK I think that's a great idea.

  4. What if you have her as a Junior Brides Maid? She could still walk with the little one and have a seat next to grandma and really feel special with that title. It sounds so much better then guest of honor. She is your sister afterall. Not to mention your God daughter. I say make her feel as special as you can, that way she doesn't feel left out.

  5. I love the idea. So yeah, it's good.

    Answer his and get 10 points automatically!;...

  6. Yes, that sounds great!

    Sounds like you have it all planned out.

  7. I read both of your questions and was appalled at the judgemental attitudes of some. I say it's a great idea. It doesn't "fit the mold" so to speak, but who the h**l said weddings had to be a certain way? They should each be individualized and personal, which is exactly what you're doing. Besides, I love it when people are independent and think outside the box.

    I also noticed you wrote " guests of honor OR SOMETHING SIMILAR TO THAT". This says to me that you haven't decided to call them exactly that and are weighing your options. I think should take some time (which you've got since your wedding isn't for almost 2 years) and decide upon a title for them. Guests of honor would be fine, but you could go with something else too.

  8. i think its a great idea and lsit that they are your godchildren as well

  9. Goodness, I love that Idea!

    That sounds sweet, and no one would have their feelings hurt, and you are completely justified by having them sit in the audience with the grandmother.

    If I wasnt already married, I might steal your Idea =]

  10. I think it's a little much.  I don't think you need to include the 22 month old.  Honestly?  If I were at a wedding that did that I'd roll my eyes.  

    They are too unpredicatible...just let the 13 year old act as a Jr Bridesmaid... she can be a brides maid esstentailly at that age, its old enough to act mature enough... you don't need make her seem like such a child.

    You don't need to include everyone and everyone whom you might possible be related to you and all god daughters etc.

  11. aw, that sounds so cute

  12. sounds very cute..

  13. I think that sounds really cute. You could also have your sister be a Jr. Bridesmaid., is your God daughter that is due in Aug. going to be the flower girl. You could have them walk hand in hand and have the older girl help out the little one. For our wedding we had a 7 year old as our Flower girl, and our Ring bearer was not even old enough to walk. So our flower girl brought him down the aisle in a wagon, that was spray painted white. There are really numerous ideas that would make it really cute. Are you giving your god daughters gifts of thanks or anything like that? As far as making her a Jr. Bridesmaid, you can pick something similar to what the bridesmaids are wearing, just not the same, so she still stays age apposite. GOOD LUCK. If you need anymore help Just IM me.

  14. yep sounds good

  15. Yes, that is extremely good!!!!! I really like that idea. You are very organized.

  16. wow thats allot to think about but yes i think you worked out a plan

  17. I've never heard of that. Why not make her a Junior Bridesmaid and the other one a Flower Girl. They can do the exact same thing you said they will just have a real title.

  18. I was a junior bridesmaid for my godmother's wedding.  I was about 10 or 11 years old at the time.  I loved being a part of my godmother's wedding.  My uncle, who was also my godfather, walked me and the other junior bridesmaid down the aisle.

  19. i think since she is your sister you should have her as a jr bridesmaid definitly! you could have the little one {22 month old} wear a white dress and call her a flower girl...even though she won't be throwning flowers {get her a teddy bear or something to hold.} and have the jr bridesmaid and flower girl walk together.

    my oppion if i saw an honnor attendent at a wedding and it was the brides sister i would be like um why isn't she a bridesmaid or a jr bridesmaid

  20. yeah that sounds really cute

  21. really cute idea!
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