
How about this then new words to an old song who sang it ?

by  |  earlier

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How many roads must a man drive down

Before he admits he is lost

Why when a man becomes married is he

unable to find his own socks.

How many times will it take 'til he knows

he has seen the three stooges enough

The answer my friend, I cannot comprehend

The answer, I cannot comprehend

How many shows can a man surf through

before the remote burns out

Why does he think that an intimate gift

is a Dustbuster Plus for the house

How many sounds can a man's body make

before he sleeps on the couch

The answer my friend, is take two aspirin

The answer is take two aspirin

Why when we go for a romantic drive

do we wind up at Builder's Square again

How many nights will he leave the seat up

so I land on cold porcelain

How men really feel is mystery to me

and probably a mystery to them

The answer girlfriend is driving me to gin

The answer is driving me to gin.




  1. Lol  I loved it.

    I've asked  these questions many times

    and now they have been put to music.

    Now all I need is Bob Dylan to sing it.


  2. whats the tune to that song?

    and who the heck is bob dylan?

  3. bob dylan

  4. Ha ha, Dylan rules OK, nice version, duck, you rule too...!

  5. Bob Dylan - but yours is best!

  6. Blowing in the wind Bob Dylan.

  7. Lovely. Cannot wait for the CD to come out.

  8. Ha! ha! it was Bob Dylan, but I like your verson....

  9. That was very impressive.  You are a extremely talented person.  LOL  you go duck!

  10. la lala laaa

    nice words

  11. Well well well, let me tell you that was just so much fun,

    you are a very clever little duck indeed, thanks so much for the rewrite of that song, brilliant !!! and pricless!!!

    Yes the original was by bob dylan,

    The new version by joke duck much better.

    *** :<) *** (>: ***

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