
How about those Neolithic embracing skeletons?

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That photo rates as one of my all-time faves.

Particularly, because their skulls form a heart.

Epitome of a picture telling a 1000 words.




  1. ^Could be Romeo and Julio for all we know. Doubt it though.

    Could have had a close NON-sexual relationship. (ex: family maybe)

    Definitely touching.

  2. Now that's a lasting relationship!  Maybe today's couples should have the option of ending up that way.

  3. Its beautiful.

  4. Love RULES!!!!!

  5. Given that I don't know much about this other than a look at the picture I have two comments.

    The first is questionable in accuracy because I simply cannot remember where I heard of it or learned it or if it was fictional. It was a culture of the people that when the husband died the wife was always killed and buried with the husband.

    The other is that the embrace may not have been one of love, per say. One must consider what circumstances must have been for them to have both died embracing one another. The embrace might be that of the experience of being terrified and holding each other to comfort and protect each other from some imminent danger. Maybe love, or maybe simply an instinctual response.

    Just a few thoughts

  6. since I doubt they were buried on the spot where they dropped dead. This is probably a case, like in the Norse viking ritual, where a female slave is killed as a grave good to accompany her master in the afterlife....not quite as romantic as Romeo and Juliet, but hey, I'm a realist.

  7. Definitely an amazing find.  Love can be so amazing.  

    What I wonder is how did they die?  They must have died together somehow. illness, murder, suicide?  Either way it is an amazing picture and a great tribute to love!

  8. Romeo and Juliet.

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