
How accurate are Graham Hancock's writings?

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I've read a lot of his stuff. It is interesting but I wonder how far-fetched it really is. Is anyone a reader of his that knows if his stuff is accurate after researching it yourself?




  1. Pretty bad

    anybody who uses "unquestioning" in connection with mass media and scientists is off on the wrong foot right away.

  2. Its great for starting fires, lining bird cages......etc.

  3. Even if he's not 100% accurate, i.e. He sometimes stretches the truth a bit, at least it sells books...

    Accuracy can be a little boring!

  4. His writings are very accurate: on Tamagochi's and Pikachu and other  childrens cartoons he is spot on. His fictive writings convey a wonderful sense of the laughability of unqualified cretins commenting on scientific and archaeological matters

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