
How accurate are rain forecasts?

by  |  earlier

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There is a Lamborghini meet next Sat and Sun, sunday im scheduled to ride in a new lamborghini. If there is any rain on the track sunday, it gets cancelled. They are, of course, calling for rain on Fri, Sat, Sun and mon of that weekend, the event is 8 days away.....How accurate is this prediction?




  1. Usually forcasts 8 days out are not that accurate. Plus, it could mean scattered or isolated meaning one town might get rain and the town next to it might get nothing. Just watching the weather and the closer it gets to the event, the more accurate the forecast will be

  2. WHERE?  Predictions vary and correctness, also. Here in Florida, I would say the forcasters are fairly accurate...if they predict anything over a 40 to 50% chance, we will get a shower.

  3. I wouldn't take any forecast 8 days out very seriously, check back in 3 or 4 days. The numerical weather prediction models are run ever farther out in time (up to 2 weeks) and they are usually complete nonsense by that time.

  4. 50/50 chance

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