
How accurate is Canadian health care portrayed in "Sicko"?

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any Canadians have a say in this?




  1. I haven't seen the movie however under Canada's health care act they  cannot leave you out  to die  like in the U.S. and if you cannot afford it you are still provided for.It isn't perfect(Europe has a bettter system) but it is both more effecient in terms of cost in $$$ than the U.S. system and if you died because of not having health care coverage in Canada  it would cause a great turmoil throughout the  country.Ask the last P.C. government what happened to them (years before Harper) when they attempted to interfere with the health  care act.

  2. I've gone to a hospital many times. I've had no complaints from people I know or even myself. Healthcare is good in Canada. In the US, I wouldn't think it'd work. Too many Americans to be honest.

  3. I haven't seen the movie but I can tell you that the Health care system in Canada is very good.  You pay one price around 60 $  a month and you have a doctor that will see that you get your checkups every year, and follow up with treatment.  For any little thing you can make an appointment and there you go .  If and when you go to the hospital you get in and have the treatment, operation etc and you pay nothing.  It is all covered.  You never have to worry about losing your home to pay.  There are some areas where it is difficult to find doctors so you would go to a clinic in those cases.  Pres. Truman really wanted the system for the US but was overruled by the wealthy and influential drug companies.  Too bad.  I wish the US had this system.  There has to be a way if Truman was considering it.  He must have had some good ideas of how to implement it.  

  4. Very accurate> Regardless of what the politicians say, the US ranks 26th in quality of health care in the world.

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