
How accurate is the theory of evolution? Or do you believe the we are God's creation?

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How accurate is the theory of evolution? Or do you believe the we are God's creation?




  1. The theory of evolution seems to very clearly describe what we can see going on. Our diet is full of foods that have been developed using the theory of evolution.

    It is similarly clear that god is a creation of humans. Humans do like to tell stories.

  2. well the theory of evolution has to be innacurate, Its science we seriously dont know enough about to generalise it. Its been like 150 years since humans started looking into it as opposed to millions of years its been going on. Look its a starit up theory not fact in a couple thousand years when we got pointy ears then id say its accurate.

  3. Not God ...... Not Monkeys ..... Aliens?  Many of the folk from the south have the sore butt to prove it!

  4. The theory of evolution is well founded, what is lacking is the acknowledgement of God's hand in it.

    Although it is an intelligent matter, I find that these days so many people have drawn lines in it and have not involved wisdom to go with the theories and proofs.

    God created the evolution of the universe, (read Genesis) He shows us that there was a void and then He commanded light. That's the "Big Bang", and I don't see how people cannot understand that if God created the evolution of the universe; then is it not such a big jump to see the world we live in is part of that evolution?

    We are God's creation but as for the men and women of 4,500 years ago ...does anyone really think that they could grasp the concept of the "Big Bang Theory" in physics? I don't think so. God explained to then the beginning of evolution in a succinct and plausible manner. One that they could understand. I believe He could see in the future that we would be able to address it matter in a more complicated form called 'physics'.

  5. I think evolution is the process of creation and I think it's pretty darn accurate.

  6. Evolution is the change in animals over time.  That has pretty much been proven a fact.  I would also say that we are physically related to other animals and genetics and other data have proven that beyond any reasonable doubt.  That removes all religious arguments against it from the table and we are left with evolution by means of natural selection as the only viable theory.  It could still be God's method of creation.

  7. There is more physical evidence for evolution than there is for creationism. Additionally, the world was getting on quite well before the invention of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.

  8. They found proof that god does not exist. Sorry I dont have a link though.

  9. Evolution is science -biology physics and chemistry are not man- made.

    Creation myths and religions are man-made, and there are plentyof them around the world.

    I'll take the science.

  10. I believe in God and creation.  For me, to accept  that all we see and do today is the results of an accident, I find unacceptable.  If we all formed from one cell created by an accident, I feel the human race would only be one of many forms of higher intelligence capable of the things we see done today such as the building, space travel, forms of transportation..., I also feel personally that for one cell to evolve into the complex (machines) such as the human body that we can't even explain, how and why it all works, to be proof enough that the time allowed by scientist for evolution to be totally unacceptable as would be any amount of time.  I can't look around me and accept that this all came from a chance happening or freak accident.

  11. Religion is nonsense, created by vile people to permit them to control the gullible masses. Evolution is extremely well supported by the evidence.

  12. I totally believe that we are Gods creation. I believe that evolution is peoples way of

    "proving" that there is no God. I mean all a person has to do is look out side and You would know there is a God. How does the sun know when to rise? Humans didn't tell it to, and it is always it can't just be an accident. Why is it that the human body knows naturally to fight diseases when something unknown enters ur body? How can things so perfectly made all be by accident?Its not. There is a one and only true God who purposely made this Earth, this Universe, and you. He is real and He is alive today.When people ask God to prove Himself..He already has..look outside. So evolution is not true. It is false and goes against God. We are Gods creation. I wasn't a mistake of evolution and neither are you ,or anybody else.

  13. actually i heard something about they found some fossils of humans that totally contradicts the theory of evolution. i wish i could give u a link but i havent looked for the article, and my friend hasnt given it to me. but it doesnt matter what happends i still belive that God is my creator and the worlds creator.

  14. Tell me, do evolution has to have something to evolve from. now tell me where does that something come from. Some one or something had to product it . What you say, it was created.

    Right , evolution does not work.  God the great creator , did it all. God spoke the words , and it was done.

    Another thing if evolution was the answer, why has it stoped?

    The theory of  evolution is an empty theory.

    God is the one and only, who can start with nothing and come up with something..

  15. I'm a catholic, but don't really believe in it any more.  If you go by that theory than we're all brothers and sisters.  Talk about incest.  No, I tend to believe in Darwins theory now.  It makes a lot more sense to me.  Religion was born to control man.  Just look back at the crusades,  fight for the church? oh duh!!  And they teach that killing is wrong,(though shalt not kill), but the crusades were all about killing and trying to make others believe what the church wanted them to believe.  I realize there are a lot of people who will be offended by this, but it's time to start thinking outside the box.  I do believe we go onto another plane of existence when we're gone.  For how else do you explain all the phenomonoms out there where many people see spirits.  In the beginning of time there may have been a higher being who helped, but is that right?  No one can ever really know for we never will learn of it.  Time is infinete.  No beginng or no end.  When we're gone, who knows who will take our place.  Or what.  Man is self destructive, and if we're not careful we will destroy ourselves and our planet.  Of course I believe there are more beings out there in the universe.  Are we alone, I think not.  That would be a ludicrous thought.  In all the universe we are not the only ones that enjoy life.  This is a subject that I really enjoy now that I'm not controlled by the teachings of the church.  I guess that's why I'm a sci-fi lover now.  Remember,  more of fiction has come to past than anyone would have ever expected.  Going to the moon, can't be done, well it was.  And how about the probes to Mars and Jupitor?  We see ourselves venturing more and more into space.  Wow!! I think I got a little off course here.  Okay, Darwin's theory of evolution.  Sorry about that.  Man, I wish I could be around for space exploration.  That would really make my day, alas I know I won't be.  I'll be long gone by that time.  (sigh!!!!!)

    I feel everyone has a right to his or her own beliefs.  These are just mine.

  16. So why does it have to be exclusive?  Why can't it be that it was God who gave the primordial ooze a little hit of juice and that started a chain of events which led to us?  The evolutionary record is clear, but I also know God exists, and I don't see any conflict at all.  Isn't God after all, the mack daddy of scientists... And perhaps we are just a little experiment in what can happen when you apply a bit of plasma energy to a concentrated glop of amino acids.  I'm comfortable with that.

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