I've posted a lot of questions about climate change here. But really the more I try to find out about climate change, the more confused I get. Most recently, there are these points in hand. . .
Has anyone read the book six degrees? Here is a link to the story about it http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/.
How accurate is the science on this?
I also have a lurking question that I want to spill out here. Is there a chance we could remove excess carbon from the atmosphere that is already there? I've heard recently of the Virgin Earth Challenge, awarding 25 million to someone to event a device removing carbon from the atmosphere over a period of years. This may seem unbelievable, but in the final analysis something such as this may go a lot farther than simply trying to halt emissions.
Thank you all for your help! I appreciate sound scientific answers. This will help to clear some of my confusion.