
How accurate is this Mormon cartoon video?

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What is right? what is wrong? how close is it to the truth? I am looking for good answers, non offensive type. I am not trying to offend anyone just doing some research. Thanks much! I will respond back under additional details.




  1. Here is a Mormon response:

    Oh, I should specify - that isn't an official Mormon response, it is a response created by a Mormon. I can't vouch for its accuracy (I'm not a Mormon).

  2. This is from a film made by Ed Decker, who is very much an enemy of the church. He will probably stop short of saying that, but it's the truth.

    There is a grain of truth in this, but it's truth bastardized.

    For instance, the part that REALLY gets me is the part about spirit BABIES. We believe that we were all spirit CHILDREN of our Heavenly FATHER. However, how our spirits came into being has never been made clear. I was NEVER taught about spirit BABIES. I mean, SPIRIT babies? Why were these spirits wearing nappies? to catch their spirit poo poo? And endless Celestial s*x and eternally pregnant?

    It's EASY to tell where Ed Decker's brain is.  

  3. It's all true... except jesus appearing infront of the indians in the cartoon like he did lmao.

  4. I am a Mormon.  And this cartoon is totally inaccurate.  It is laughable.

    Yet, it is also very sad.  If someone is going around spreading this as "what Mormons teach," it is indeed sad and a gross misrepresentation of the truth.  I would question the credibility of the cartoon's author.     If they teach this gross deception, what other things are they being deceptive about.  one might ask.

    This cartoon is not true.   Entertainingly inaccurate, and not true.

    Where do people come up with such things...?    well, I can answer that but it would not be nice to say.

  5. The South Park interpretation of the writing of the book of Mormon is more accurate.  

  6. about as accurate as a blind bat inside a box in the dark.

  7. I hate that "cartoon." It's so retarded.

    It takes a slight bit of truth and warps it ridiculously.

  8. First of all its a CARTOON......

    If you are doing research I suggest going to or  Looking at cartoons in search for the truth is fruitless.  The cartoon was created by an anti-mormon character.

    Here is a link containing the errors and falsehoods portrayed.

    Here is another link which contains letters written against the use of this video by other denominations.

    Other than that....this garbage of a video is posted daily by anti-mormons who like to bring up contention.  You may not realize it, but your question has been asked numerous times.

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