
How accurate is this pregnancy test?

by Guest10899  |  earlier

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i've been on birth control since april. i've only missed two pills that wole entire time, yet took them the next day as directed on my pills instructions. i always take my pills at the same time as well, except every once in awhile i might be like 20-30 minutes late, which my doctor said isn't a big deal.

anyway. i had my period on week 4 last month, like usual, but sometimes i skip my sugar pills. as of now i'm on my sugar pills. i've taken 3 of the 7 and still no period. i took a pregnancy test and it came out negative. it was one of those that said it can give you results 5 days before your missed period. so whats my chances of being pregnant?




  1. There uaually pretti accurate so id say your just late because of stress just try to relax and it will arrive.

  2. well they're pretty accurate. my found out I was preg. with an early test. you could be preg. still, maybe theres not enough of the preg. hormone in your body to show up on the test. I would wait a week and take another test, and if you dont start by the time  your sugar pills are done and the test still says neg, you should call your dr and have them do a blood test just to make sure.

    have you been really stresses lately or done a lot of traveling? sometimes that can make you late or skip a period. how do you feel, do you feel like you could be pregnant?

  3. Probably very slim. My husband and I had unprotected s*x all of the time when I was on BC and and I was sloppy at taking my pills. I would take one in the morning then the next day at night and never got pregnant until I was off of them. Are you stressed about anything? School or work? That could be causing your period to be late or its just having an off month. I had a few of those scares myself but I dont see anything to worry about until it absolutley has not came within the next week then I would go to a dr and get a blood test done which will test your HCG level and tell you yes or no. Good luck!

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