
How accurately does this song portray modern romantic relationships?

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  1. LOL. That was cute. Thanks.

  2. Well, not mine.  Even at our age we still manage to do it more than once a week, and we manage to keep going longer than two minutes.  And I don't take care of the recycling before going to bed, I'm absolutely forbidden to recycle anything (my husband doesn't approve of it).

  3. Hahahaha! I saw this on tv the other night in a 'video clip' on their show, where they were acting out the roles as the song was playing.

    The sight of him taking off his socks 's3xy like' while singing 'It's business time" had me almost falling out of my chair with laughter :-D

    Those kiwis are hilarious, lol.

    Cheers :-)

  4. That was awsome!!! Thank you for introducing me to those guys!!! ROFL!!!... The whole brushing teeth together thing! That is so me and my husband!!! LOL!!!

  5. Molly B, perhaps we've not been formally introduced, but perhaps you are familiar with a gentleman of leisure as myself ;)... You didn't advise me of your interest in Flight of the Conchords, how shameful!  Such wanton behaviour is unnacceptable ;-).

    This song portrays the intricacies of the dynamics with a high degree of accuracy, but now I'm even more intrigued as you are also an FOTC fan!

    Okay, it's business time.

  6. Frightening -- in a funny way.  I'm never letting my wife see it, as I'm trying to get her to *quit* referring to it as "getting down to business."


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