
How affectionate/touchy-feely are people in Peru?

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Like, people you don't know....people you do close do they get to you? Do they hug a lot?

Sorry if this sounds confusing.




  1. People are friendly and greeting between oposite s*x is always with a kiss on the cheek. But more affectionate/touchy-feeling you would encounter in Brazil.

    Brazilians would gently take your arm or give you a slight touch while talking to you.

  2. Peruvian people is very very friendly.

  3. What is usually called the "comfort zone" the space you leave between you and someone you're talking to, is smaller in Peru than in the US or Europe (but bigger than Africa or the Middle East). Contact is important. The custom is to kiss women on the cheek once (not twice like in France) when introduced.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Depends on how touchy feely you want them to be.

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