
How affective is the media? And has it made us lazy when it comes to thinking for ourselves?

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It seems that the media can affect our very thoughts, likes and dislikes. It can make us hate someone we hardly know and make us love the same. The media can make us love the bad person and hate the good one. And yet, if we're really honest, we really don't know much more than what has been told to us via radio, papers, tv (media). I believe we've become so caught up into media hype that we've almost turned off that part of our brain that allows us to think for ourselves and now have the media to think for us.

What do you think?




  1. That's why you have to get your information from as many sources as possible. Dissect every story to the bare bones information and somewhere in there is the actual reality of the thing.

  2. You have to be an "outside the box" thinker.  Never allow someone to control your judgment.  Never be so quick to assume or judge.  If you allow the media to think for you and then u make your decision.  You can be talked into just about anything.  Also don't be afraid to say whats right or wrong.  It's not about who's right it about what's right.  

    Love All.

  3. I agree with your ideas, but you fail to realize an important aspect of the media issue. The government-media complex controlls all that we see and hear over public airways. Thank god for the internet and AM talk radio, or else there would be "no" alternative views on subjects that affect us all.

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