
How am I doing? Trying to achieve my dream...?

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Well I am a 17 year old male. My dream is to become a TV actor. I have been doing a few things that will probably help me achieve this dream.

First thing I am doing is exercising and dieting. I weigh at 200 pounds and so I go to the gym at least 5 times a week for at least 2 hours each time of aerobic exercise. I am also eating less fatty foods and consuming less calories.

I am also trying to change my physical appearance. I ordered Crest White Strips Premium Plus to help whiten my teeth for a nicer smile. I decided to grow out my hair a little bit longer (its like an inch ling now) to make 4-7 inches so it will be more stylish and I can do more with it. I am using this Garnier Fructis stuff to make it "Sleek and Shine" lol.

I went to the library today and checked out 5 books on "acting". These will help me learn about it and how to get into it. I am planning on taking theater class next year and possibly join my local theater for experience.

Please tell me how I am doing. Thanks!




  1. It's good to hear you will be starting classes. EXPERIENCE will be the number one thing that will help you, which means taking classes and performing in plays.

  2. I know exactly what youre going through. Im a 17 year old female. I am also over weight and doing the same things as you. Ive done theatre at my school and it has furthered my love for acting. try something like that, audition for a local theatre. I wish you the best of luck and keep your drive and ambition, thats what seperates those who make it and those who dont. Hope this helps. :)

  3. Well that's all good and nice... but are you actually acting? Are you going out and auditioning for things? Getting experience? You can't just learn to act from a book you know, and when it comes to physical appearance, acting talent is usually preffered. Make that "possibly join my local theatre" into "I'm going to join my local theatre" The fact that you've not had any experience shows you aren't doing very well.

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