
How am I going to make plastics disappear in our world?

by  |  earlier

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I want all plastics in this world to disappear!! But..HOW??!!




  1. The only way to stop people from using plastics is to:

    1. deplete all of the oil resources on the planet

    2. shut down the largest chemical companies in the world

    3. keep dreaming.

  2. That's problem in our landfills right now.  Due to the chemical make up, plastic requires a lot of heat to break down (or harmful solvents).  Even then, we will be releasing harmful gasses into the air.  Best way is to create a bio-degradeable plastics from the get go, they break down much easier and cleaner.

  3. silly boy dont buy stuff in plastic tht cannot re cycle

  4. That could only be in your dreams, you dont have to look 360 degress,yuor P.C.  CAR,almost everything which is a part of our human activities it exist. would you like to have a cellphone w/ an iron case? or prehaps no electricity in your house. the reality is that we have just to live w/ it and  be aware of its impact on our environment, then DECIPLINE  IS NEXT.

  5. Start by not using it.  I am sure you use it all the time so good luck.  Just don't try to stop me from using it or we are going to have a problem.

  6. You can take them out of your house all you want, but their complete removal would compromise the health of sick people all over the world. You obviously have no idea how much plastics have advanced healthcare.

  7. Plastics are good...

    Most plastics can be recycled. The morons who put large amounts of plastic in the trash are the only problem.

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