I have X and Y. Y is the # of people infected. It starts from 0 then goes to 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180. I between are 9 lines counting up. So Im guessing that the lines from 0 - 20 represent 11,12,13,14,15,16 and so on. Then x is the day 1-7. The data is is this:
Day 0 - 2 People infected Day 2 - 6 people infected Day 3 - 18 people infected Day 4 - 162 people infected day 5 - 486 infected day 6 - 1458 people infected day 7 - 4364 people infected.
How am I suppose to graph this when the number of people infected increases beyond the number on the Y axis of the graph?