
How am I supposed to cook tofu?

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I've decided to become a vegan, so i bought some tofu and have no idea on how to cook it. I thought tofu was hard, but in the package (I haven't opened it) it seems watery..

I don't even know what "simmer" means, lmfao?

Someone please tell me an easy and fast way to cook this




  1. It depends what type of tofu you got:)  It ranges from "silken" to "extra-firm".   I like to cut extra firm into 4 very thick slices;  brush with olive oil and sprinkle with garlic salt & oregano.  Then we BBQ it on all sides until it's golden brown.......You can add little chunks of tofu to soup, vegetarian chili, stir fry, or anything else like that

  2. Tofu is sold in several different 'types' ... the Japanese Firm is the hardest and easiest to cook.  You may purchase it in any grocery store in the 'refrigerated' section of the vegetable section in most stores.  Usually it is sold in 'tubs' with a plastic piece you must pierce sealing it on top ... and there is water in it.  The water is there to keep it fresh.  When you buy tofu, you should IMMEDIATELY discard the water and put the tofu into a new container and cover it with water.  Rinse the tofu and change the water daily to keep it freshest.

    You may have purchased 'soft' tofu, and the ONLY way I know of to cook that is to run a knife through it to cut it up, and take the 'cut pieces' and put them into the pan of 'almost cooked' vegetables you are having for dinner.  If the tofu is the firm type, you may either 'dice' it or may cut it into 'slabs' and then you can cook it in many different ways.  One of my favorite ways to cook and eat tofu is the very simplest.  Put a tiny bit of oil (only about 4 drops per 'slab) into a frying pan and heat it up, then drop the tofu in and let it 'sizzle' for about 30 seconds, then turn it over.  Since tofu basically has NO taste, you'll need to 'season' it ... and that is the fun part,  I use a little soy sauce and some ginger ... I use a TON of ginger because I love the way it tastes and I love the 'hot-spicy' sweetness it gives.  You may also use things like finely chopped garlic, Italian herbs, either mixed or separately (fresh basil and freshly chopped garlic is a wonderful mix, so is oregano and garlic).  You may also make your tofu into a 'dessert' with a bit of honey added either to the cold tofu, or to the 'heated' (lightly sauteed) tofu.  If you mix the 'soft' tofu with honey and fresh fruit, it can be frozen (you'll need to stir it once every half hour to keep it from 'separating) and eat it like ice cream.  There are things you can't do with the 'fresh' tofu ... you can't make it into anything like a 'burger' unless you buy the extra firm kind that comes in a 'shrink wrap plastic' (look above the tubs and you may find it, but many stores don't carry it, and some put it in different refrigerators, so ask at the store if they have it and where it is) ... this can be 'crumbled' and mixed with herbs and things like dijon mustard and fresh garlic and made into 'patties' and seasoned with things like seasoning salt, soy sauce, or even a 'rub' to make a really tasty 'burger' (you can even put it into a bun with 'all the trimmings' and it's a very good 'vegan' meal if the bun is a vegan (no animal products used) bun!  

    Simmer means to let something come to a rolling boil then turn it down until it's 'just bubbling lightly.'  I don't think tofu needs that much cooking, so I simmer only foods that need longer to cook.  What you need to do is cut that tofu up and do some 'experiments' ... you know what kind of 'tastes' you like, and you can use ANYTHING in the 'spice aisle' to season your tofu, from sugar to honey to cajun rubs (hot-spicy) ... and ENJOY.  Tofu is nothing but soybean 'curds' and there is more protein in a 3"x5"x1/2" 'slab' than in a whole POUND of any red meat except liver!  There are also other 'good things' in it like 'fiber' and even some 'antioxidants' so ... GET COOKING!

  3. if the package says soft on it the tofu will be sort of squshie but not watery if you drain it. i would recomend bying firm tofu, it stays together better. There are so many things you can do with tofu! you can stir fry it, bbq it, dice it and put it in with pasta. what ever you like.

  4. Here's what I do with it:

    I grill the tofu in a pan w/ olive oil until it's browned on the outside, stir in a frozen chinese vegetable mixture, and then pour sweet and sour sauce over it and cook about another 5 minutes, I then serve it w/ pineapple slices, it's really yummy and simple

    Edit:  Oh and I get the cubed extra or super firm tofu for my stir frys

  5. Tofu comes in many different textures, such as firm, extra firm, and silken. Silken tofu can actually be used as a ricotta cheese substitute because of its texture. Firm and extra firm tofu is good for frying in vegetable or sesame seed oil to give it a slight crunch. This is mostly used as an actual meat substitute, and it's what you'll find in most restaurant dishes. If this is what you have, then maybe cut it up into slices and fry in oil until golden. Mix with sauteed veggies and soy sauce, brown sugar, and chopped peanuts, or just use a premade teriyaki marinade/sauce.

  6. My fav = Use extra-firm:  cut into thick slices and press the water out between paper towels.  Sprinkle with soy sauce and let it soak in for a few minutes.  Fry in a small amount of oil.  Also, check for tofu recipes from many cultures that are vegetarian.  Enjoy.

  7. Tofu tastes aweful straight out of the box,,,it takes on the flavor of other stuff you cook it with,,dice it up into little cubes,,maybe 1 inch by 1inch or a bit smaller and throw them in a stir fry with veggies and noodles, herbs and spices or what ever and the tofu will absorb the mix of the flavors in different ways,,you will have to experiment with different reciepies..have fun

  8. boil

  9. I use extra-firm and saute with veggie.  Also I cut and grill witha little salt pepper and eat with a salad.

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