
How am I supposed to pay for college with no financial aid, no student loans, and no scholarships? Help..?

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Obviously I'm paying for it by myself.In high school i got As and Bs and took some AP classes and busted *** trying to get into a good school. I got into Suffolk U and commuted for 1 semester only as a Business major, making deans list, then leaving, because how am I seriously ging to pay $26k+ a year by myself?

My true passion is photography and I think, if i have to put all of my life savings somewhere it would be on photography school because i could benefit a lot from it.

I dont really have long term Business career goals, except that i want to own real estate and hopefully run my own business. So basically I would get a degree if i had financial aid to pay for because i believe it is a bad idea to go into over $120k indebt for a degree youre not sure you want a career in.

How doeseveryone else has financial aid? Its not fair, i did better than most of them in HS. My parents are in a terrible financial situation thats beyond me and like dont file there taxes. no fafsa HELP




  1. You're very wise to know that going 120K into debt is not a good move.

    1.  Figure out what you do want to do with your life.

    2.  Research which schools have the training to get you there.

    3.  Work and save as much money as possible while doing #1 & #2.

    4.  Go make your dream happen.

    As for your question about how everyone else has financial're right, it's not fair that your parents are not in a position to help you, even just by filing the FAFSA.  But, no one ever said life is fair, and the adversity we face only makes us stronger.  If you can succeed despite your limitations, you will be a better person than one that is just handed everything to them easily.  

    Saying all that doesn't help you in the least, and I apologize for that.

  2. Are you sure you want to be a business major or do you want to go into photography? Find out what you REALLY want to do,  then pursue it.  

    Have you thought about going into a community college? Community colleges are more affordable and offer as good of an education as some expensive universities. Find out about your local community colleges and see what they have to offer. Tons of successful people have taken that route.  

    And if all else fails you can try think about enlisting in the navy or the airforce ( they're the least branches inf the military to s***w you over from what I have heard) to help pay your school loans (btw if the recruiter says you'll get $x0,000  get it in writing)

    Good luck!

  3. Well, I've read the other posts and I agree with some of them. Don't waste money on something that is not your passion. If you want it bad enough, you'll find a way to make it happen.

  4. check out, just launched by the dept of ed.  do you think that the site offers any help?

  5. Heheh, you ladies have this horse beat to death here.  No pig-piling from me.  

    Lots of good advice above.  If you truly want to go to school it can be done.  Just be smart about it and don't overpay more than you can afford simply because of a name on the side of a building.

  6. Welcome to lfe...............

  7. how are you not eligible for financial aid?

  8. Life 101

    Rule 1: Don't listen to those who are sarcastic (regardless of whether or not you are actually young and naive).  They simply have nothing better to offer you.

    Rule 2:  It sucks and it's not fair. Really.  I was a top student in high school.  My parents went through some really tough stuff and I had to complete my junior and senior years through independent study courses.  I completed all 13 courses in 9 months time with flying colors.  Unfortunately, I did not get to get a scholarship to a great college because I was independent study instead of playing sports or being valedictorian at a traditional college or having parents with loads of money wooing top officials at good colleges.

    For financial aid, federal grants and loans require your parent's information until you are 24 years old or married or a veteran.  If you are married then they require yours and your spouse's incomes.  I am turning 24 this year and JUST going to college to get my bachelor's.  I will be getting the Pell Grant and federal loans to supplement that.

    If you know you can't get aid because of your parents then plan on just working a 'regular' job until you turn 24 and then reapply and realize that you will have to work full time while taking classes in order to acheive your goals OR take on loans in the future to cover your room and board.  I would recommend trying to get a job doing something with photography or art in order to gain work experience that way you have a better resume once you finally get your degree.

    Also - $26,000 per year?  Suffolk is very expensive.  I know it's a great school but if you go to UMass or a state school your cost would be loads cheaper.  I'm sorry but not everyone has a mommy and daddy who can afford (in cash or on credit) going to the "Ivy League" type schools.  And there are millions and millions of others who go to state colleges and end up with great jobs and experiences.

    Don't spend money (loans, grants or your own) getting a degree in something you're not sure of.  And don't get a general degree in Business just because you want to own real estate someday or run your own business.  My boyfriend has a Business degree and is a hobbyist photographer and he agrees.  Get your degree in something you are passionate about that will help you learn what you need to learn to be successful within your field.  You can always take business classes along with your other requirements to 'learn the ropes'.

  9. Photography is one of those careers you don't really need a degree in order to make money in.  Unfortunately, very few folks earn enough money at it to consider it a "full time" job.  

    There are tons of folks doing and thinking the exact same thing as you.  Those that do make it will often start off in a field complelety different (and use the income and resources from that job, accountant by day.... sports or wedding photographer on friday nights!.  :-)  ) to fund thier passion and expensive hobby.  (This is also the case for many folks who own and manage real estate for extra income.)

    Many make the leap to doing it full time, and some succeed. But not without the "real" job and resources first.

    I would encourage your parents to file their taxes.  Keep encouraging them to do so.  If not, they may have thier W2 forms and you might be able to get estimates for your fafsa until they have the taxes completed buying you some time.  

    You are wise not to go into 120K debt.  Never borrow more than what you would expect to earn your first year out of college.  So 120K total is okay if you are now a doctor.  Not if you are a Kindergarden teacher.  I would suggest attending a community college or a state school. (Many have photography certificate programs). Live at home and commute to save money.  Work full or part time so you can pay as you go.

    Everyone else gets fin aid by having parents who obey the law and file taxes on time.  They take out loans when they can't get grants or scholarships to pay.  College isn't going to be easy.  If it was, everyone would do it and no one would need it.

    Good luck.

  10. There are two sources for student loans -- the federal government and private lenders. In order to obtain most federal student loans, you will first need to file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). In most<!--instances the FAFSA is required for all federal financial aid including federal student loans. Deferment options are available while you are still attending school at least half-time.  There are four main federal loan programs.

    Federal loan consolidation is for students who are in repayment status or parents who wish to extend the repayment period on their current PLUS and obtain a fixed interest rate for the life of the loan-->you can combine all of your eligible federal student loans into one loan with a Federal Consolidation Loan. Consolidating also locks the interest rate you pay on your loan.

  11. If you go to the financial aid office at your University, they may be able to direct you in what it is you should do, or pick up the application for Financial aid and call the 800 number and ask them directly. I get my tuition paid for by city programs such as project quest and community innitiatives here in San antonio. They help with everything! Try the women's center for referrals they are full of resources.

    Wish you well.

  12. I started with this problem your high school grades have nothing to do with getting financial aid. hate to tell u that. why cant you get loans if you don't mind me asking. You should be able to get subsidized and unsidized loans. You have the right to a education there a real law on that. And I don't think I would pay that much for college you know what those payments would be over $1,000 a month easily. There are other loan ways if you have credit without your parents. Let me know.

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