
How am I to put my earring back in?

by Guest63333  |  earlier

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I thought I knew better and I took my earrings out 1 week early of 6. I had trouble putting them back in. I could only get them in backwards. Eventually I got my right earring back in after quickly following up on taking them out backwards. My left earring is another story though, it wont go in, only backwards. It is even slightly bleeding when I mess with it, almost like watered down blood though. So how do I get my left earring in? The only thing I can think of now is to let my mom help me put it back in since it would be easier for her than me because she can see what I cant. Also am I going to have any problems in the future?




  1. Are you talking about regular ear piercings?  You have to let it heal and scab over before you take the earring out, loser.  Don't take it out until it heals.

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