
How am i g*y? How does a guy know how to not be g*y? is it ok to feel g*y at 13?

by Guest63340  |  earlier

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How am i g*y? How does a guy know how to not be g*y? is it ok to feel g*y at 13?




  1. Do not worry about it now.  You are thirteen and the chemicals in your body that will turn you into a man (a g*y or straight or bi- man) are going absolutely nuts at your age.  Go with your instincts and know that whatever you will be will be OK.  

  2. How-Just something your born with if you ask me, there nothing wrong with it, just be yourself.

    2. In my opinion, you cant really act "g*y" unless your like hitting on other guys, you can act stereotypically g*y like people think, high voice, limp wrist, etc. but these kind if things don't mean someone is g*y, there just stereotypes, and stereotypes are WRONG.

    3. Certainly, you feel what you feel, if you feel that your g*y at 13, you probably are, age doesn't really have anything to do with it, its just something that is.

  3. First of all, you're too young to really know for sure if you're 100% g*y or not. Give yourself time to develop and mature before you make final decisions on things.

  4. its fine for your age :)

    i knew i was bi when i was in 2nd grade :D

  5. It's absolutly fine and normal to feel like that but you need to relax and think first because straight men do have g*y phases during puberty  

  6. yeah it's okay to feel g*y at 13 years old.  There is no universally respected age when it is okay to feel g*y.  Do what you feel is okay.  It's your life...don't you forget.  Do what you feel you should do.  Just make sure you are careful and stay healthy, and don't place yourself in harms way.  

  7. Just truly think about it. Are you attracted to men or women? You must really think about it, and consider which one you'd rather go out with, etc.

  8. First, there's not way not to be g*y. If you are g*y, you have to accept it and live with it.

    Second, it's "ok" to feel g*y at any age, because being g*y is perfectly normal. By the time I was 13 I knew for sure that I was g*y. But it could be a phase, just give yourself a few more years.

  9. If anyone told you that you're g*y they were probably just joking.

    You can not be g*y by acting more masculine and doing activities that other guys do (which is a bit stereotypical).

    It's completely okay to feel g*y at 13 since many people go through phases during their life when they want to experiment with different things and genders.

  10. You are in puberty and many males in puberty have a fantasy of other guys, wonder or check out other guy's equipment,etc. And most often it is a phase. It is OK to feel g*y at 13 and it is OK to be bi/g*y at 13 if that is what you really are. In the meantime I wouldn't be telling anyone about your sexual preference as it is a need to know and no one needs to know (especially at school) except the person you desire and if they are whatever gender you desire. My source may help you understand and figure things out and help you not too worry so much. Good luck no matter what you may be.

  11. I've heard people say they knew they were g*y at 6 or 7 years old.  I don't think it's something people just realize when they hit puberty.  Persoanlly, even though I'm straight, I've never seen what g**s really do wrong.  There's no reason to hate them. Being g*y should be okay, unless of course you're around a lot of sadistic bigots.  Unfortunately, they are numerous.

  12. Yes, it's perfectly normal & you might be g*y and you might not be. Either you like boys or you don't. Ask yourself.

  13. I knew when I was your age -- in fact I knew before I was your age.  I have never been sure what men have experienced who claim that other males can't know at 13.

    Regardless.  There is no reason whatsoever not to be g*y, or bisexual, anymore than there is any reason not to be straight.  You are what you are.  It is absolutely positively o.k. to feel g*y at 13!!! In fact, it is ok to feel g*y at ANY AGE.

    Be who you are, you are wonderful, just as you are!!!

    Kindest thoughts,


  14. i felt attracted to guys since i was 6...i would say just wait a few years and uwill realize what u like.. u r still young and u have ur whole life ahead of u

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