
How am i supposed to clean and dry vegatables. when i put them on the plate with my meat my meat become soggy?

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How am i supposed to clean and dry vegatables. when i put them on the plate with my meat my meat become soggy?




  1. use more than one plate, use paper towel to absorb the moisture


  3. Keep yo d**n meat off your plate brother, I've heard the old wive's tales...

  4. Well, I let my vegetables drain as much as possible before plating them or I put them in a separate dish.  You can also put your vegetables in a colander, or a slotted grill plate so they excrete their natural juices  in the bottom before you put them on the plate.  Usually, people have a problem with the meat juices running all over the plate, but I can see your point here.  You could also use a plate with separation walls, if it really bothers you.  It is also why when creating a menu, cooks and chefs try to create a cohesive dish (meaning that everything on the plate goes well with each other) and those juices that will naturally run out of the proteins, vegetables and starches, at least they will all taste good together.  I hope I've given you some helpful hints tonight!

  5. Why don't you try using a napkin then rolling them in the napkin...or try using a separate plate for your a small bowl or something...

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