
How am i supposed to deal with my dads death?

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will someone with a little experiance help me understand how to deal with my fathers death? he died of an accidental overdose or my former step mom killed him....please help......thank u!!!! btw im 15




  1. I'm sorry to hear about your loss.

    My Dad passed when I was 11 from natural causes. Everyone deals with their parents passing in different ways. I can't tell you exactly how to deal with it. The best advice I can give to you, is that you need to remember that he is in a better place now, and just cope with everything on a day-to-day basis. If your still having trouble coping and need someone to talk to, try therapy or talk to your minister, (if you go to church).

    Hope this helped, and sorry again to hear about your loss.

  2. well it depends on if he was nice or not

  3. I'm sorry to hear that. however are you staying with your guardian? or home alone? change an environment will help you reduce the pain and just to get thing over. talk to someone how you feel or write a journal to vent it out....

  4. I was 13 when my father passed away with a massive heart attack. Everyone deals differently but I found it as motivation in my life. I wanted to make him proud with everything I did. So, I did well in school...went to college...started my career at the hospital and got married and had a family. My whole life I have just wanted to know that when he looks down on me, I have done what would have made him proud. Hope that helps...sorry for your loss.

  5. I am sorry to hear about your loss.  Do you live with your step mom?  You may need to seek a therapist.  At you age you can see your Dr. without your parents knowing.  There are also support groups that may be in your area and online.  Google "teen grief support" or check out a few links below.  When you return to school, speak to your guidance counselor, they can help you in school and give you resources out of school.

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