
How am i supposed to react to my nans death?

by  |  earlier

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my nan died yestoday evening, and i cried of course, but i didn't understand why? i sat there crying my heart out but i really didnt know why? i knew my nan died but i still didnt believe it, now a day later it still hasn't sunk in and it feels as though i need someone to tell me over and over again before it hits home, i thought i would just cry and cry, but for some strange reason i find it impossible to believe she's actually gone! please help me..x




  1. Remember the good times like when she threw that snowball at you and you were like TWF?

  2. You react how you react.  Everyone grieves differently.  Don't let anyone tell you how you should feel or how you should react.  You know intellectually that she is gone but emotionally it is hard to accept.  I've been there.  The funeral will help, seeing her family and friends come together to say goodbye to her.  It will take awhile, but that is what people talk about when they say they need closure.  It's not really acceptance as in feeling like it's okay, because it's not okay.  But it's just realizing that it is true and there is nothing you can do to change it.  Try to find someone to talk to who will not judge you for how you feel or what you say.  Then just find some good memories that you can draw on when you miss her.  Time will ease the pain.

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