
How am i supposed to study for a science test that is 75 questions long?

by Guest33134  |  earlier

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i have a test that is 75 multiple choice questions and there is a lot for me to study. I am usually very bad in my Science and is my weakest subject and this time, i want to get a good grade on the test. How am i supposed to remember everything that i am required to and what can i do to help myself study and get ready for the test? By the way, there is more than 5 pages for me to study so someone please help me before the end of the weekend because the test is on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Help me ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...




  1. An old trick for giving speeches or lectures is three fold.

    1. tell them what you are going to tell them

    2. tell them

    3. tell them what you told them.

    How does that help you?  Well,

    1.  go thru your notes and use a highlighter to mark the strong/important parts, phrases, and lists ( (an example what three things make up fire? ..fuel oxygen and heat).  do this with all your notes, these are the things to learn.

    2. go back and now write them in outline form, like chapter heading then sections, then each note in that section.  You may need to write this twice to get it right.

    3. Read thru all of your outline and then write out each point or topic in paragraph form.

    By writing and reading this information in three different ways, it should sink in.  During the weekend, pick up any one of the three forms,highlighted notes, outline and "script" and read it.  Soon you'll know it all, like me!  kidding.  I always say intelligence is not knowing every answer, just where to find it.

  2. Okay, I am going to assume you have some type of science book they are taking these questions from. First you read the section(s) that apply to what you are going to be tested on, pay extra attention to anything in bold print, you may want to write these parts down on a seperate sheet of paper. After you have read and reread the appropriate sections, try taking the chapter review quiz. If you understand the questions in the chapter review quiz, and can answer them, there is a pretty fair chance you will do passably well on the upcoming test. If there are phrases in the text you don't understand, try looking up the definitions in your texts glossary, or look it up online.

    Be sure to get a good nights sleep Sunday night. Use the notes you have made from the bold print to review Monday morning. Good Luck, I think you're going to do fine.

  3. apparently you've never been in highschool and taken finals/midterms because 75 questions and 'more than five pages' is not a lot to study.

    read your five pages and make flashcards..

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