
How an Asian age 35 chances on becoming a Flight Attendant? I passed for the first interview but no reply from

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the second one. Any ideas which airline will accept my application?




  1. I think it is still possible but right now the airlines are hurting so they may be slower in terms of hiring new flight attendants.  If you can speak multiple languages, that is a huge plus.

    Most of the foreign carriers such as Singapore and Cathay Pacific use young and single flight attendants.  However many Asians look younger than they really are so I think you can go ahead and apply to the airlines that have a strong presence in Asia or at least fly there.

  2. I agree being multilingual is important. Also being small framed or thin is a big plus. The less weight the crew takes up can be made up with passengers and freight and saves fuel.

    Being Asian or 35 should be irrelevant.

  3. I worked for a major airline for 19yrs, and know the airlines like and try to have a mix of eperienced people working for them.  We had men and women as old as 58yrs old being hired.  Since first hires start at the same pay, it really does not matter how old you are.  The airlines will pick a person young or older who seems to mature, and proffessional.  I went to 17 interviews before I was hired.  Don't give up. But know starting salery is between 13,500-17,500.  a year.  There are other benefits, that could add it up to 20,000.

  4. What does being Asian have to do with it?

  5. Age has nothing to do with it, especially with US carriers!  I've met lots of new Flight Attendants in their 40's and 50's.  It's the personality and work experience that counts. If you are bilingual, that is a plus.  If you have passed the first interview, it should just be a matter of time before they schedule you for a second interview.  Perhaps, you can check with HR at the airline.

  6. put your resume on

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