
How and What civil liberties are you willing to give up for security.?

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How and What civil liberties are you willing to give up for security.?




  1. They can bug my phone, read my mail if they think it would prevent another 911.

  2. Any and all.

  3. None.

    Those who would sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.  - Benjamin Franklin.

    hibernian:  Then just what do you call the Patriot Act?

    It's sure as h**l not a security measure when it only allows the spying on AMERICANS!!!

  4. None, and thank god we aren't giving up any.

  5. None. No way. Forget it.

  6. I already think that walking around the airport with your shoes in your hands is enough. Why don't they just enforce the laws we already have.They should be more selective of who they let into the country in the first place.

  7. None; it's not necessary to give up any civil liberties for security if it is done democratically and competently.

    Bush's tactics only subvert the constitution; they do nothing to fight radical terrorism.  He is boldly eroding the rule of law and the constitution without personal consequences to him.

    That is why, if Bush is NOT impeached, our democracy is in danger of further erosion.

  8. None.   As a wise man once said "they who can give up essential liberties for temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security"

  9. Only my civil liberty that allows me to know when my civil liberties are given up.  That way when they take them away, I won't know it (see first answer).

  10. None , we've given up too many.

    It's the government's fault we have to be concerned with security anyway.   Canadians aren't targets.

  11. None. Not a single one.

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