
How and When should I apply for the Schengen Visa?

by  |  earlier

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if i am traveling for the winter..

i should apply how many months in advance?

can i apply online?

call the embassy?

If I am traveling to Ireland as well.. I need two visa's? Correct?

I heard they need to confirm a plane ticket back? And a bank statement to see if i can afford it? (Does this seem ridiculous to anyone besides me???)




  1. That's a really good question, however, the main information to answer it is missing. What is your nationality or what state are you living in (have permanent residence allowance).

    So, unfortunately, your quesrtion can pnly be answered in general.

    You should apply at the embassy of the Schengen country where you plan your predominantly stay. Some embassies take online application, some don't. Call the embassy? Which one, what's the country you are living in.

    For the Republic or Ireland, a second visa is required, since they are not members of the Schengen agreement.

    To find out, whether a visa requirement exists, just take a look at the attached list for Germany. Since all Schengen countries have standardized requirements, they apply for all the other countries, as well.

    If a visa requirement exist, you may find information on the embassies of your country here

    The application process for a Schengen visa is outlined here


    As a citizen of the United States, you fall under the Vivw waiver program. This entitles you a 90 day stay in any Schengen country within a 180 day limit for tourist porposes.

    Same procedures apply to Ireland, you don't need a visa to enter for less than 90 days for tourist purposes.

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