
How and Why did the horse die at the Kentucky Derby?

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I just heard the 2nd place horse died, but don't know any details. Please fill me in.




  1. it broke both of its front ankles, when a horse does that they usally have to put it down. its to hard to heal one leg on a horse let alone two. so its easier just to put it down. those peta people will have a feild day with this.

  2. She broke both her front ankles, so they couldn't get her into an ambulance.  Had she only broken one, there may have been some way to treat her, as they did Barbarro.  It was a quick and humane decision to euthanize her so she would be put out of her pain.  I know it sounds terrible, and it is, but none of us would want her to have suffered any longer than she did.  They euthanized her on the track within minutes of her second place finish to the very strong, very dominant Big Brown.

    If you think about how much power and strength a Thoroughbred must have to win a 1 1/4 mile race against 19 others, and you look at their ankles and realize they're about the size of a human ankle, it's not surprising that they break so easily.  Apparently, she first broke one front ankle -- after the race as she was galloping out -- and then the weight of her entire body was placed on her other front ankle, and that caused it to break as well.

    Unfortunately, I was only feet away from Eight Belles when she fell and had to be put down.   Nearly all the ladies I spoke with in the Churchill Downs crowd had bets on her. She went down in a blaze of glory, beating 18 colts!  The mood quickly turned from glorious to chaotic.  It was a very sad ending to a beautiful Derby day!

  3. What's the big deal? In other countries horse meat is eaten.

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