
How and what kills SAP SUCKERS?

by  |  earlier

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We have these on a lipinwood tree not sure if I spelt that right? We get them all the time I notice a bird the other day eating them by the tons but I want ot kill them.I don't want to use TOXIC spray because I have a fish pond underneath it.




  1. Sorry ~ not sure if you want to kill the tree or bird

  2. Do you want to kill the birds, or an insect that the birds are eating? I don't think you are allowed to kill birds, check with your local authority, like council, or any department in your local that can give you information on the wildlife, pest control. If you want to use a insecticide that controls sap sucking insects use confidor. If you wandt to protect your pond from birds then maybe get some sort of wire mesh over the top of the water, or cover the plants with a of protective cloth. I am sure you wouldn't be allowed to kill birds, unless you are a farmer and hold a gun license, then you can shoot them.

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