
How and what to feed the toddler, who doesn't eat well?

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My daughter is 20 months old and fell sick for 8 days. She had high fever (105 degree) with "un-diognosied virus" Its been 2 weeks after that, and I have noticed her eating quantity has reduced. We are vegetarian. Do you have any suggestion, how to feed her. She keeps saying no to food and doesn't open her mouth! Its too hard to feed her..Please advice.




  1. I know it is frustrating but she wont starve herself, she will eat when she is hungry.

    My boys are the same, if they been sick it takes a while to get their appitites back.

    My son loves celery, cucumbers and carrot sticks with hommus or tzitki dip or cut up fruit  with yog to dip.

    I hope she feels better soon.

  2. My kids were sick recently I made smoothies for them as they went off their food, but would still drink liquids, I made my daughters smoothie from cows milk (she is almost 4) and a smoothie for my son from baby formula (he is 11months old), the trick is with smoothies, is, if they are still drinking from a bottle, make it up in a blender with food they will liquify easily, otherwise it will block the hole in the teat.

  3. ALthough you child is sick, even at  20 mos. she certainly isn't stupid. She'll eat  when she's hungry. Just keep trying to find her every now and then. If your really concern, take her to see a pediatrician.

    Good luck. Hope your little angel is ok!!!:)

  4. don't force her she will eat when she feels ready my son did this when he had a relay bad bug it took him ages to eat properly agen but he got there in the end

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