I may be pregnant, I will have to take a test and see. My boyfriend of over three years will be so upset if I am pregnant. I am on the pill, but I am worried it didn't work and I haven't got my period. But anyways, should you tell him asap or wait till your at like 8 weeks when you know you haven't miscarried? And how should you tell him? Obviously in person, but should you be like "Surprise! We're having a baby" or in a more serious tone and tell him less exciting? We totally did not plan this and want to wait til were married. He is just worried about being a bad father. I had an abortion a year ago and I told him I would never do one again. But that was a long ride of emotions when that happened. I am 21 and he is 28. He works full time and I attend school and work part time, but we live apart... until marriage. He told me he wouldn't leave me like some guys do, he would just be upset that he wouldn't be a good father without financial security.