
How and when do you file an extension of stay in the United States?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a tourist planning to extend my stay here in the US. please help. Thanks so much!




  1. Just a word of caution. The proposed Z visa does not cover illegals after Jan 1, 2007. Here is the site.**

  2. Go to the Immigration Office of the US and apply for an extension of your visa citing valid reasons.

  3. When you arrived in the US, you were most likely given a 6 - month stay.  If you are already planning to extend beyond that period of time, it would seem that you are not really in the US for a temporary visit for pleasure.  Unless you have a remarkably compelling reason to request an extension, it is doubtful you will receive it.  Nevertheless, the process for filling is:

    If you were lawfully admitted into the United States with a non-immigrant visa, your non-immigrant visa status remains valid, you have not committed any crimes that would make you ineligible, and you will have a valid passport for the entire anticipated stay in the US, mail the USCIS Form I-539, along with the fee, your original I-94, and any supporting documentation, to the USCIS Service Center that serves the area where you are staying.

    Edit:  I notice from your other questions that you are trying to find ways to work while you are here, which is a violation of your status - it would seem you are just one more person who should probably not have been granted a visa in the first place, who now does not want to leave, and who does not mind breaking the law in the process.  This is exactly why others, who are actually law abiding, have such a difficult time getting a visa to come to the US.  FYI to others, don't blame the system, blame the people who abuse the system.

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